Questions tagged [visual-studio-2017-build-tools]

Visual Studio 2017 Build Tools refers to tools designed to help and automate the process of compiling, packaging and deploying software in the 2017 version of Microsoft's Visual Studio. Use this tag for questions related to this type of tools.

Visual Studio 2017 Build Tools refers to tools designed to help and automate the process of compiling, packaging and deploying software in the 2017 version of Microsoft's Visual Studio. Use this tag for questions related to this type of tools.

115 questions
1 answer

TeamCity build failing

I have a web api project that won't build on teamcity when I add a .net framework (4.71) class library to the solution. If I remove the class library, the build succeeds. [CoreCompile] Csc [12:03:15][Csc] C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual…
J Doh'
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1 answer

Visual Studio 2017 MSBuild issue

I am trying to publish a Visual stuido Project from another Project, to do this I have created a bat file which runs my MSBuild file. If you run this outside of Visual Studio it works correctly but when i tried to add it to Visual Studio's prebuild…
0 answers

Visual Studio is trying to run app from different path than specified in .csproj.user

Depending on this SO Question I have modified a csproj.user file to change Visual Studio's build location. At this moment .csproj.user file is:
2 answers

Set output build path for Visual Studio 2017 per user with vars

I am trying to change the output path for build per user. I want to redirect output to Ram Disk. After many attempts i finished with something like that:
1 answer

How can I override every possible Before Build Event, and cancel it? Restarting the build later is working fine

In my extension I also have builder functionality that build additional projects and solutions after or before Visual Studio built the current solution. So when I build the additional projects I have to block any attempt for the user to…
0 answers

Msbuild cannot specify configuration when invoked from another program

I am using Visual Studio 2017 working with C++. I can build a release binary with msbuild /p:configuration=release on the command line. When attempting to build from another process using system( "msbuild…
1 answer

Generating Setup Project from visual studio community installer

I have generated visual studio installer from Microsoft visual studio community version. i want to ask is there any difference of installer generated from visual studio community version and visual studio enterprise version OR visual studio ultimate…
0 answers

MSBuild with VS 2017 BuildTools set wrong $(VSInstallDir) at build time

I am seeing some weird behavior with the latest 15.8.2 Visual Studio 2017 Build Tools. After installing the tools and ensuring that it has installed all workloads and components, I attempted to build our master solution from a batch file with the…
1 answer

Facing problem in installing mysqlclient in python

I am a beginner in python. I am doing my college project in django-python. I want to use MySQL (phpMyAdmin). I am facing problem in installing mysqlclient. The error is given below... C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual…
2 answers

Cleaning database

I want to know, from all tables present in MS SQL Server database, which tables are not used in my visual studio MVC solution. i have fetched list of all tables. now how to check this with models/ class/ tables used in visual studio code?
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