Questions tagged [virtual-environment]

358 questions
1 answer

NEAT-Python not finding

So recently I have found about a NEAT algorithm and wanted to give it a try using NEAT-Python(not sure if this is even the correct source :| ). So I created my virtual environment activated it and installed the neat-python using pip in the VE. When…
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Anaconda Environment Error - Access denied

I had Anaconda installed before, but it wasn't responding (Python & VS Code acts weird) so i decided to remove and install again. After that I installed and created an environment again. Command prompt recognizes conda/anaconda commands but when I…
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How to install python packages in a virtual environment without downloading them again?

It's a great hassle when installing some packages in a VE and conda or pip downloads them again even when I already have it in my base environment. Since I have limited internet bandwidth and I'm assuming I'll work with many different VE's, it will…
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Can renv be used to create a virtual environment with a specific version of R?

I recently installed R 4.0, after previously using relying R 3.6.3. To manage R repositories, I use Rstudio (currently 1.2.5042 on a Windows 10 machine). After upgrading to R 4.0, I opened a project from a few months ago, and realized that Rstudio…
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Why do I have to specify the python version when creating a new conda environment?

I do conda create --name env then conda activate env. My prompt now has (env) at the beginning of it. Then I try running python at the prompt and it returns 'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch…
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Problems setting up a python 3.7 virtual environment

I am trying to create a new python 3.7 virtual environment on my local computer running Windows 8. I have python versions 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8 installed. Their exe's are named python36, python37, and python, respectively. All three are correctly added…
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How to separate packages with multiple channels in yaml using conda to create customized env

I need to create an environment mock up the one using virtualenv, the packages belong to various channels in anaconda. Though I specified channels, I received error for some packages. my_env.yml: name: my_env channels: - anaconda -…
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Problem with Keras installation in Anaconda

I'm trying to install Keras in anaconda from the instructions given here. I ran the command conda install -c conda-forge keras and then after that, I pressed y when the prompt appeared asking me to press y/n. Then some libraries were downloaded and…
Ashutosh Pathak
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How to move installed packages to a newly created virtual environment ?

I've downloaded a lots of packages into global environment (lets say so). Now, I want to create a new virtual environment and move some of the packages to that environment. How would I do that ?
3 answers

How to activate a virtualenv using a makefile?

At the top of my makefile I have this line: SHELL := /bin/sh which is needed for most of the commands. However, I would like to also have a make command to activate my virtual env, which is on a different path. Here is the code that I wrote for…
J. Hesters
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Two virtual environments for a single Django project?

I have a Django project for which I have created a virtual environment with the packages it requires. Now for development, I was looking for a tool where I could try some code before including it to my project. I had a good experience with Jupyter…
Jacques Gaudin
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Getting PyCharm to use ipython as the remote interpreter, including virtual environment

I'm attempting to set up PyCharm to work with a remote interpreter. I can get the basic SSH setup to work correctly, and I point it to the python interpreter I have under a Virtual Environment: /remote/file/directory/me/environment/bin/python 1)…
Savage Henry
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Running Virtual Environment Ansible

I am trying to run a virtual environment in Ansible. It is constantly erroring out. Here's the code: - name: Install virtualenv pip: name=virtualenv when: virtualenvexists.stat.exists != true - name: Create virtualenv sudo: true command:…
Steven Matthews
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virtualenvwrapper on Mac (using terminal) : Error while finding module specification for 'virtualenvwrapper.hook_loader'

Trying to finish installing virtualenvwrapper. I have already installed Python 3.8.3 and virtualenv/virtualenvwrapper but when I am exporting to setup a virtual environment location using: export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs export…
4 answers

How do I fix this error "DistributionNotFound: The 'zipp>=0.5' distribution was not found and is required by importlib-metadata"?

I'm tying to create a virtual environment in my mac terminal and I get the following error. Could you please help me how I can fix this? hangsunkim@Hangs-MacBook-Pro ~ % virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 ./venv Traceback (most recent call…
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