Questions tagged [virtual-destructor]

A virtual destructor ensures a C++ object will correctly call the destructor of the most-derived class when a polymorphic object is deleted through a pointer to its base class.

237 questions
1 answer

Why can I access object that was deleted but had virtual destructor in C++?

I created simple code with 2 classes. #include #include using namespace std; class MyItem { public: int myVar; MyItem() { this->myVar = 10; } …
A. Dziedziczak
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2 answers

Virtual Destructor C++

I understand that if we want to call the Destructor of our derived object which has been assigned to a pointer to base we want to make the base destructor as virtual. However if we had something like this: #include using namespace…
3 answers

C++ Error when using virtual destructor

I have implemented an interface: class ISolution { public: virtual ~ISolution() = 0; virtual void resultat() = 0; }; and some derived classes from it: class SolX : ISolution { private: int member; MyClass myOb; public: SolX(const…
thedarkside ofthemoon
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2 answers

What happens when virtual destructors are declared, but have no implementation?

In C++ we can perfectly declare a function in a header file without actually implementing it. This compiles fine and usually this doesn't provide any problems, however... I am wondering if it can cause a problem when a virtual destructor is not…
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1 answer

Uses of a Virtual destructor in C++(other than desctruction order correctness)

Every C++ programmer knows that, virtual destructor is used to ensure the proper destruction order of objects in inheritance hierarchy. Where else "Virtual Destructors" are used/can be used in realtime scenarios?
2 answers

Parasoft violation:Destructor ~dest should be virtual

My company uses Parasoft to validate the correctness of our c/c++ program. In the source code, many classes are not used as base class and they don't have virtual member functions. But they inherit from other class. Here is the sample code: class…
Yuan Wen
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2 answers

why do we need a virtual destructor with dynamic memory?

Why do we need a virtual destructor with dynamic variables when we have inheritance? and what is the order for destructor execution in both the static/dynamic case? won't the destructor of the most derived class always execute first?
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2 answers

C++ virtual destructor

The question is based on following class hierarchy. Base2* d3 = new Der3(); d3->v1(); delete d3; The output is : Base1 Base1 Der1 Base2 Der3 v1 Base2 ~Base2 And I get an exception.Why?(It only should generate memory leack) class Base1 { public: …
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1 answer

C++ virtual destructor definitions

I have three classes class A { // pure virtual funcs and member vars virtual ~A(); } class B : public A { // some more pure virtual funcs virtual ~B(); } class C : public B { // concrete implementations ~C()…
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2 answers

C++ Virtual Inheritance

#include class abc{ public: abc *next; protected: int flags; const char * name; const char * comments; public: abc(const char *name, const char *comments, int…
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3 answers

Same program behavior is different in g++ & MSVS 2010

I was reading this. The accepted answer of the linked question contains following code: class Base { private: virtual ~Base() = 0; /* A */ }; class Derived : protected virtual Base { private: ~Derived () {.......} /* B…
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4 answers

virtual destructor in c++

In the code below, why is the ~Derived() destructor called automatically? #include using namespace std; class Base { public: virtual ~Base() { cout << "Calling ~Base()" << endl; } }; class Derived: public…
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