Questions tagged [vimperator]

Vimperator is a Firefox browser extension with strong inspiration from the Vim text editor, with a mind towards faster and more efficient browsing. It has similar key bindings and you could call it a modal web browser, as key bindings differ according to which mode you are in

"Vimperator is a Firefox browser extension with strong inspiration from the Vim text editor, with a mind towards faster and more efficient browsing. It has similar key bindings and you could call it a modal web browser, as key bindings differ according to which mode you are in"

- on Vimperator

76 questions
1 answer

Vimperator: Follow hint in new tab and switch to it

I am trying to find a strategy in the Vimperator-logic for opening a link to a new tab and switch to it immediately. I guess this might be a TMTOWTDI. My first approach would be to start off with a :command sequence. Unfortunately F - Follow hint in…
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1 answer

Copy Arbitrary Text by Keyboard with Vimperator

Is there a way to copy arbitrary text via keyboard with vimperator? I just figured out how to copy/yank links. I could imagine a shortcut for jumping from div/span/etc.. to div/span/etc.. but I could not find anything about this in the…
Anton Harald
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0 answers

How can I do a normal search on a facebook page with vimperator?

On most pages I can hit the / key to search (like the default CTRL + F in the browser). However it seems that now when on a facebook page, if I hit the / key it jumps straight to the facebook search box. Which is not what I want to do at all. I want…
Cedric Mamo
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2 answers

How to close tabs to the right using vimperator?

I'm using Firefox, and installed vimperator. It's great, but I can't found the method to close tabs to the right using hotkey. Could you please tell me how to do this? Thanks.
Frank Yuan
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1 answer

In Vimperator how to configure the number of lines of proposal when using the command ":history" ?

I'm using Vimperator. I'd like to configure the number of lines that are display by Vimperator ,as proposals, when I'm looking up in history with the command :history for the moment my page is completely covered with proposals. in my…
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1 answer

How can I avoid pressing enter in Vimperator keymapping?

I've created a key mapping to clear search highlights by pressing .. map . :nohlsearch However, pressing . only enters the nohlsearch command, requiring me to press Enter to execute the command. Is there a way to have the keybinding both enter and…
Michael K
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1 answer

Vimperator - reload plugin

How can I reload vimperator plugin after I modify it? Now I restart browser each time I need reload but it is nightmare to develop plugins like this.
Leonid Shagabutdinov
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2 answers

Mapping key in "Follow Hint" mode in Vimperator

I am wanting to add a key map for using when follow hints mode is active, but cannot seem to find any way to add a keybinding for this mode. I would like to add a C+N, C+P to be mapped to Tab and S+Tab while hints are displayed. I appreciate any…
1 answer

vimperator video jump back/forth by left/right arrow keys

When watching youtube videos, left/right arrows are used to jump back/forth several seconds. How do I do this with vimperator? (Oh my bad, is this question too short?)
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1 answer

Hide liberator-bottombar only if not command's output available. (Vimperator)

What I'm trying to do is this, but if I'm executing some command, and that command has an output, I also want to be able to see the command's output, so, here is what I've done: "javascript to hide statusbar noremap :js…
Rubén Marrero
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1 answer

Disable Firefox's builtin page search

I want to disable the page search built into Firefox when I use Vimperator or Pentadactyl. I'm in the habit of hitting cmd-f (this is on OS X) to open Firefox's builtin page search but with Vimperator or Pentadactyl active it's a nuisance to close…
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2 answers

Hint and jump to text box

How can I place the cursor in a text box using hinting in Vimperator? For example, on a Google search result page, if I press f for hinting, the text box with the search terms is highlighted and given a hinting key but if I press that key it seems…
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2 answers

Vimperator: Can not send comment on Facebook anymore

I can not send any comment on Facebook, when my Vimperator-Plugin is active. This happens in Firefox 33.1.1 and Vimperator 3.8.3. By clicking in the comment field, the INSERT-Mode is activated and I can type my comment, but hitting the Enter-Key…
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1 answer

Vimperator for all modes not work

map not work in vimperator ( I can't exit from insert mode ). But imap Why?
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0 answers

Vimperator (Firefox) macro to copy text

I am using Vimperator 3.8.1 with Firefox 25.0. I have created a macro to solve a problem (details below), and this macro fails at the following point. Vimperator Macro e: /foocvy My macro searches for a string ('foo') in the page,…
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