Questions tagged [vim-registers]

35 questions
1 answer

how to query the highest digit in a search?

Searching for the pattern /{{c\d, I'd like to get the highest digit found and use it in a macro. For context, I'm using Anki (flashcard tool) and its cloze card type, and recently started creating my cards within vim. Example card: ## Front reading:…
Adrien Lemaire
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1 answer

Searching backward for visual mode selection

I am looking to remap my # and * keys in visual mode in Vim so that I am able to highlight a portion of text and search for it backwards and forwards, respectively. With the help of a previous answer I have managed to get forward searches working. I…
Geert Smelt
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2 answers

Using a register in a .vimrc mapping

I'm doing a job involving multiple modifications of HTML template files in which values to be replaced are designated in the template with tokens such as "%%ARTICLE_DATE". I'd like to use the "+" or "*" (clipboard, X-clipboard) vim registers in a…
Lindsay Haisley
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1 answer

Paste the content from dot . command in vim

Given the word foo in a text, if I type ciwbar while recording it as a macro in w register and then type in the command line :w it will brings me :ciwbar^[ However if i type :. it will only brings me bar But both commands, the @w and…
1 answer

"+ register cannot work in vim with clipboard support

I guess my question may be similar to vim system register * and + not working but my server version is ubuntu. And I'm sure the installed vim has clipboard support. However, I cannot see the "+ register when I run :reg in vim. The followings are the…
Haoran Shi
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2 answers

Print information about register used in Vim report

When I am yanking into registers, I often mistype the "x syntax, so I would like to have a confirmation of which register it used to yank the text. For instance, my ideal output if I were to type "x3yy would be "3 lines yanked into x" instead of…
Brian Ecker
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2 answers

Who automatically writes vim registers?

I am playing with vim registers. Opening vim with `vim -i NONE` I can open vim without any register. Then I run ":NERDTree" command. After this operation, I can see these registers: Now my question is. Why registers h and o exists? What exactly is…
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1 answer

whats is the conventional file to put a function in vim

I was searching for the vim scripts to clear the registers in vim, I found this helpful script right now i am inserting the code withing a function and putting it in my .vimrc file function ClearReg() let…
souparno majumder
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2 answers

Vim: How to handle newlines when storing multiple commands in registers?

I have a file where I store snippets of vim commands. When I need a snippet, I yank it and then execute it with @". The snippets are stored as a script, one line per command, like this: :s/foo/bar/g :echo "hello" :s/1/2/g Edit: I removed normal…
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3 answers

Is the vim clipboard a stack? If yes, how can I paste copied data from that stack?

When you are not in insert more in vim, and you delete something, this gets automatically in the clipboard. Does this clipboard work like a stack? If the clipboard is a stack, how can I access previous entries in this stack? If the clipboard is not…
Gabriel Petrovay
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1 answer

VIM function to create CMakeLists.txt

I'm new to Vim, and I want to create a Vim function to make a CMake file. It doesn't work, and I don't know how should I do it, so the relevant part of my code is: function! CMake_CV() let @d=@%:t :split CMakeLists.txtiproject( "dpi…
  • 53
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1 answer

How to free some register in vim as well as viewing free registers?

If I yank some text into register a, b and c, They should have text stored in them. I can use :reg command to see the occupied registers as well as their content. But what if I want to see the registers that are not occupied? This makes it easier if…
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1 answer

How to set default registers in vim?

I want to set the default register of d, x, and c to the black hole and use some mapping for use other register, like d "*d Of course I can remap like noremap d "_d but then I'd have to remap dd to "_dd and when I select something and press…
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1 answer

vim - how do I yank to register inside a function?

I am perplexed how to use the registers from inside a function. For example, if I want to yank the current word to register "k", from inside vim, I would use the command/keystrokes "kyw But this does not work from inside a function: " starts a…
Peter Kay
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2 answers

Restoring a register after a function call

I am currently writing a plugin for Vim and I would like that it restores the default register after I execute it. However, the function in question is called via a =Myfunction() construct, which means that I need to restore it after the…