Questions tagged [viewdidappear]

UIViewController instance method that notifies the view controller that its view was added to a view hierarchy.

255 questions
2 answers

viewDidAppear for subviews

I want to load some data when a button is pressed and show a "loading view" as a subview of my current view while it's loading. So I want to start loading only after the subview did appear. If not my UI gets stuck without a notice (and the subview…
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Xcode - UILabel is not changing value on viewDidAppear

Hey everyone, I have a iPhone App I am creating. It uses a uitableview and that goes to a detail view. Now on the detail view I have a scroll view, and all the data (XML) comes into it fine, each time, no issues. My UILabels in my scrollview do…
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Why does viewDidAppear in UITabBarController exec before the view appears?

I have a UITabBarController that nests a UIView-Subclass (ImageViewer) as it's third tab. In this ImageViewer Subclass I call the viewDidAppear method: - (void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewDidAppear:animated]; /* ... start…
1 answer

Animation in viewDidAppear not working after going background in Swift 3

I'm currently developing a countdown app in Swift 3. Behind the counter, I created a circle, which is animated according to the counter. My problem is simple: when I click home and I put the app in the background, the animation doesn't work any more…
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Is it necessary to call super in viewWillAppear?

I am trying to understand the scenario of the method calls to view did/will appear and disappear. What I did is selecting the table cell (higlights in grey) , go to detail view and go back and deselect the selected row (remove the selected cell grey…
Teja Nandamuri
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Swift: ViewWillDisappear called when view appears

I am writing a program in Swift, but I am getting a really strange error. Ok here is the problem: I press a button from one viewcontroller and go to another viewcontroller (standard navigation controller - a new view is pushed onto the stack). In…
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1 answer

UIPageViewController display hierarchy

I have a UIPageViewController that contains multiple view controllers (self is a subclass of UIPageViewController, and I just put in one view controller here to demonstrate my question): ViewController *viewController = [self.storyboard…
Zian Chen
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iOS SDK6: UIViewController sometimes not showing

I have a weird problem with our iOS app (iPhone) since we bumped to XCode 4.5.x & SDK 6. The problem is that the view controller is shown most of the times, but sometimes not. I have checked that in all cases the viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear and…
1 answer

viewDidAppear and viewWillAppear not getting called on the iPad

I am calling a settings page as a form sheet over a viewController using the following code: NSUserDefaults *standardUserDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; NSString *device = [standardUserDefaults objectForKey:@"Device"]; if ([device…
3 answers

What is the equivalent of viewDidAppear in React Native

Scenario: I have a Login.js that I show as a Modal from multiple screens wherever I have placed the check to see if a user is logged in or not. After the user successfully login I change a key called LoggedIn to 1 from 0 using AsyncStorage. Now when…
Chaudhry Talha
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1 answer

UIViewController resizing itself between viewWillAppear and viewDidAppear?

I've got a really strange bug in my project. I've got a UIScrollView as my main, big view. Inside of it, I have a UIViewController (not UITableViewController) which has a UITableView instance variable, as well as some miscellaneous UIButtons. I…
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UITextField underline width issue

I have a UITextField & UIButton placed inside a vertical UIStackView. Programatically, I've added a UIView to serve as an underline of the UITextField. The problem comes when I compile the code. The line is longer than the text field. I've printed…
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AVAudio Won't Stop after Presenting Modal View

I have an application that displays movies. The first screen shows buttons that present different modal views. Inside those modal views are buttons that play videos. I want the main menu to play music (easy enough), but I want it to persist through…
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1 answer

Flutter: Focus keyboard on back navigation

I want to focus a textField after the user navigated back with the back button in the navigation bar. How do you do that? I tried the autofocus property of the TextField widget. But this only works when navigating forward when the widget gets…
Renato Stauffer
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2 answers

viewDidAppear being called strangley

I have a viewController containing segmentedControl. I have a VCA and VCB which are in the segmentedControl. When I tap on second segment VCB appears. Now I am pushing another ViewController from VCB. But when coming back from that viewController,…
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