Questions tagged [view]

This tag is for questions about database view or UI / architectural view. See also the following tags: sql-view, android-view, uiview.

The purpose of almost any computer program is to process data in one form or another. When the program requires user interaction it is often necessary to provide the user with a view of that data to represent it in a useful and comprehensible manner.

View also refers to:

  • A stored query in a relational database that can be accessed as if it were a table.
  • The display or presentation layer of a MVC architecture.

Questions tagged should also be tagged with the relevant language.

20281 questions
1 answer

Knockout bind 2 links to different views and swich modelview

I'm new to knockout and want to have 2 links on the page with 2 models. I would like the click event on the links switch which view model gets displayed. I've tried a few ways and have a jfiddle but I can't get it…
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2 answers

Keep track of UIView position during translation animation

I know this has been asked before but all the answers were provided in Objective C and I'm looking for a Swift solution. If I've missed an existing Swift solution, please let me know and I'll close this question. This is how I'm animating…
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3 answers

Filter list of objects by self.request.user in Django

I cannot get this to work: class MyView(generic.ListView): context_object_name = 'my-model-list' template_name = 'my_models.html' def get_queryset(self): return MyModel.objects.filter(user=self.request.user) I have also…
John Amos
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1 answer

How can I use the UIPinchGestureRecognizer with the entire view to zoom the entire screen? Swift 3, IOS

I can't seem to connect my action (pinch gesture) to my view, instead it connects to the viewcontroller. This is everything i have coded in the view controller to test out the code: import UIKit class AlertController: UIAlertController…
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1 answer

Intercept every view element being inflated?

I am trying to intercept every view widget that is being inflated in my activity and override the setText functionality of that view if it exists. So if a TextView has a android:text="bla" in the XML layout i want to be able to intercept that and…
N Jay
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3 answers

Save/restore state of custom views in android

I've implemented custom views for EditText as you can see in below image: Now this custom view includes feature of flipping, editing, rotating, drag & drop and resizing. I'm saving this custom view in bitmap format in explorer. The problem is I…
Pankaj Lilan
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1 answer

how to add a horizontal divider programmatically

in the bleow posted code, i am trying to add a horizontal divider after each added view to the linearlayout as shown in the code. the problem i have is, at run time the divider is not showing would please let me know why the divider is not showing…
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2 answers

Viewpager in Dialog?

I'm trying to have a dialog where you can click a "next" button to swipe right to the next screen. I am doing that with a ViewPager and adapter: final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(this); …
Ruchir Baronia
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1 answer

How to set a variable in blade (laravel 5.3)?

I try like this : ... @if(is_null($key['p3'])) {{--*/$p3 = $key['p3']/*--}} @else {{ 0 }} @endif @if(is_null($key['wabku'])) {{--*/$wabku = $key['wabku']/*--}} @else {{ 0 }} @endif
samuel toh
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5 answers

Button filling up stack view

I'm following the dev tutorial from Apple on iOS, and got to the part where you have to implement a custom control using a stack view. However, when I get to the part where it should show me a little red square referring to the button I added to the…
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1 answer

Create editionable view on Oracle

I am trying to create an ORACLE EDITIONABLE VIEW but I am getting the error: SQL Error: ORA-00922: missing or invalid option 00922. 00000 - "missing or invalid option" CREATE OR REPLACE FORCE EDITIONABLE VIEW "SCHEMA"."TABLE" .... In…
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5 answers

My Oracle view uses a table that doesn't exist, but I can still query it

I have an Oracle view that uses a table that I cannot find anywhere. However, I can still query the view, which I would have thought would be impossible. Are the view contents cached somewhere, from when the table still existed, or am I simply not…
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2 answers

Android, programmatically layout a button view?

I am trying to programmatically define my program layout and add a button to it at a certain position. I am not using the layout xml as the content view. RelativeLayout mainLayout; mainLayout = new RelativeLayout(this); …
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1 answer

Add view to constraintLayout with constraints similar to another child

I have a constraint layout (alpha9) with views spread all over it, and I have one particular ImageView that I need to replicate and add more of like it. The layout is like so : The main purpose is to animate 5 of those "coin" imageViews when the…
3 answers

How to solve angularjs Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]?

I am developing a single page web application using AngularJS' ng-view and ng-template directives. But when I run it my browser show this type [1]: of error. Here is my script block with main module and routing…
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