Questions tagged [video-watermarking]

For questions regarding the development and placement of watermarks on video interfaces. The tag is commonly associated with [video].

67 questions
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azure media text watermark on video set on right side corner c#

Using Azure media Service we can Create an overlay an image onto an existing video which I had achieved using your documentation. But can we create an overlay(Watermark) a text onto an existing video and second. How can we set watermark text/image…
2 answers

Android: Pass video path to FFmpeg

I have developed an app that play video from gallery. I would like to add watermark using FFmpeg command in the video selected. But I do not know how to pass the path to the FFmpeg command. I could not find proper tutorials or reference regarding…
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Android - Lightweight solution for image video watermarking

How to add image on video not using ffmpeg but using some another approach? What more lightweight solutions exists for simple putting image on video? I know few apps with this functionality that have very small size. What approach do they…
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Xamarin.iOS - ExportAsynchronously fails

Firstly I should mention I'm new a this (iOS and Xamarin). I'm trying to watermark a video using a image and a text. I've ported most of the code from the link: The entire code is pasted here: try { …
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OpenCV in Visual Studio using C++ How to cut selected timing from a video file?

I have a 5 min mp4 video file. I want to cut in between from 2 min to 3 min. E.g. Video1.mp4 is 5 min long video, the output should be another file called Video2.mp4 that contain 2 min to 3 min from Video1.mp4. What do i need to edit from the code…
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ffmpeg watermark from java Runtime.exec cannot find output

I'm having a problem in sending a ffmpeg command to add a watermark to my video from Java using Runtime.exec(). The strange thing is that the same command is working perfectly from terminal.... Any idea what the issue could be? this is the command…
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Cocoa - Add Video Watermark General Info

Just looking for how to programmatically add a watermark or some sort of overlay to video using cocoa. Not looking for a step by step ( although that would awesome ), but more or less looking for where I should start looking to learn how. Are…
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Unrecognized option 'bitmap1'. Error splitting the argument list: Option not found

When I try to add watermark to video, the following error comes: D/ffmpegResponse: Unrecognized option 'bitmap1'. D/ffmpegResponse: Error splitting the argument list: Option not found D/ffmpegfailure: ffmpeg version n3.0.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2016…
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Dynamic text background for video

I am trying to put a simple text background on a video that I can change dynamically. In my html I have:
1 answer

How can i add watermark to video in android studio with library

I want to add a watermark to a video. so that when user select a video from gallery in the android studio. then watermark will be added to the video automatically like this. Please check the image that how i want to add watermark logo to a video…
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watermarking to video Android using ffmpeg

I am using ffmpeg library for water marking in android, somehow it is taking high amount of time (like 5MB video taking 1 minute of time). Let me know if you have any suggestions. gradle dependency: implementation…
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Watermark for Video in Android

I have few online videos to play in my android application and am providing video download functionality to the user. Now, What if I want to add some text or image as an watermark on those videos before any user download it ? I have googled it, but…
Vishal Zaptech
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How to remove lines from video taken from car rear view camera using opencv python?

I want to remove reference lines from a video taken from a car rear view camera, as shown in the picture below. I have tried the inpaint method but it's not accurate and very slow in real time video processing. Is there any other technique how I…
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Add dynamic watermark that randomly changes position over video React/Node

I am building an online course website. To discourage video recording of paid courses, I would like to add a dynamic watermark over the video which randomly changes location over the screen. The watermark will display the email id of the user logged…
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How to add watermark image properly fit XY on video using ffpeg

I am trying to add following watermark image on video using ffpeg but it doesnt fit properly. Watermark Image Following is my FFmpeg commond : String[] complexCommand = {"-i", AppUtils.videoPath, "-i", framelocalPath , "-preset",…