Questions tagged [vertical-scroll]

46 questions
0 answers

scrollTop x % of total

I have a fluid page that is a solid image, set to scale based on the viewport height (im using a jquery library that also translates the width of the page to the height of the page, verticalscroll.js) css setting the image is .graphic{ z-index:…
1 answer

How to use SnapHelper with RecyclerView

I m stuck with SnapHelper for RecyclerView. I m confused to use it with LayoutManager in Vertical I already used in Horizontal like mLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(mActivity); mRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(mLayoutManager); SnapHelper…
0 answers

Vaadin: spacing with vertical scrollbar

Environment: Vaadin 7.6.2 no custom CSS rules so far besides for the headline Default theme in place: 'valo'. In a nutshell I have trouble with spacing while showing vertical scroll bars. Let me show some pictures to demonstrate the…
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HTML vertical Scroll (No CSS)

Is there any way to make content inside the table scrollable, just like overflow:auto; without using CSS's overflow property? I'm working of HTML 3.2 and IE 3.0 version so using CSS is not a good idea. The main point is, lots of CSS property is not…
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How do I add a class to the body using jQuery, scrollTop, and toggleClass

I have a question concerning jQuery's scrollTop functionality, and it's ability to toggle a class based on the amount of vertical scroll. What I am trying to accomplish is on any page with a "section.banner" class, that after you scroll past the…
1 answer

How can I make to scroll richtextbox vertically one line up and one line down into my code in VB.NET?

I want to write a code that make scrolls vertically my Richtextbox1 One line up or one line down. How can I make it ? Thanks for all.
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Completely disable ANY kind of vertical scroll in a DIV

I need to disable ANY kind of vertical scrolling within an overflown DIV (I would still be able to scroll it horizontally). overflow:hidden with CSS won't work since you can still scroll with the mouse wheel click / smartphone touch scroll. The only…
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Detect Vertical Scrolling Webview

How can I detect if webview can't scroll vertically anymore? I have the auto scrolling method and I want to make sure it stops after the content has fully displayed.
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phonegap vertical plus horizontal scroll with single touch on multple elements

This one is not for the kids at home. I will reward anyone who comes close to a solution. I have included a working example of what i want that u can use to try to fix the problem. This must work in a phonegap application on a iphone/android…
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Add scroll-bar in EditableGrid

I am using EditableGrid( and wanted to know that is there a way to insert a scroll-bar within the grid. I don't want to use pagination, I just want to add a scroll-bar, so that I can scroll down/up to view the…
Anish Nair
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snap page when vertical scrolling to the next section

Hi I know there's a few other posts on this topic, but none of them seem to have a clear solid answer. I'm trying to recreate the effect on this website using jquery: The simplest method for the single page navigation…
Bryan Willis
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What is the correct terminology for that frictional / momentum-based scrolling effect found on some websites?

I've been coming across a lot of websites recently that have a very satisfying friction / momentum-based scrolling effect on them. An example would be I've been searching for the correct terminology for this effect for a…
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How to make background images below each other (2d, vertically NOT on top of each other)?

I would like to make my website scrollable, and I would like to set a background image for each section. The problem is that when I try to set two image background, ones always go to under the other one. Here is the code: *{ margin: 0px; …
1 answer

BoxConstraints forces an infinite height error

GOAL: I need to have this column be scrollable (vertically). EXPECTED: This column to be scrollable. ACTUAL: I get an error in my console and my app is a blank white screen. To mention, I did read through the other BoxConstraints question here on…
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Is it possible to have a vertical recycler view with different widths for each row?

I am creating a recycler view and I have 2 types of itemviews in it. Each item view would have different widths(55dp for one and MatchParent for the another). If I create a recycler view with first 4 rows having width 55dp and the next 2 rows with…