Questions tagged [velocity.js]

Velocity is a open source library created to increase the performance of javascript animation

Velocity is a standalone library that re-implements jQuery's $.animate() to produce significantly greater performance (making Velocity also faster than CSS animation libraries) while including new features to improve animation workflow.

Velocity V2 also makes it simple to create far more complicated animations than most other animation libraries by including a syntax that allows for animations that look very similar to CSS animations, but with separate easings on every property at every change in value (Sequences).

For more information check out the GitHub page and the wiki.

323 questions
2 answers

Implementing html from javascript

I was watching a tutorial / demo of velocity.js which was being used to simulate a dynamic 3d view on a website: It's very similar to a task I've been given and I understand it logically but I don't…
Alec Gamble
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1 answer

How to use 'easeOutBack' easing with Velocity.js

I am using veloicty.js to animate elements on my site. I'm able to use just about any other easing method except easeOutBack. I thought I read that everything is included within the library except the 'bounce' effects. I have also included jqueryui…
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JavaScript rotation is wrong after translating

I'm using Velocity.js for animation. I'm first translating and rotating an object. After the animation is complete I need to rotate the object by an additional 360 degrees. The problem is that during the second animation the rotation axis is off.…
Ilya Suzdalnitski
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jquery mobile change page transition using velocity.js

My multipage jquery mobile android app uses transitions to change page with swipe gestures, something like: $(":mobile-pagecontainer").pagecontainer("change", "#mynewpage", {transition: "slide"}); Performances are really too slow, so I was…
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1 answer

Use Velocity.js or Transit.js for CSS/JS/jQuery animations?

I have been using jQuery's .animate() to animate websites and absolutely love how it works. However I just learned that Velocity.js and Transit.js perform way faster, can animate CSS3 transitions and can be used in jQuery just like…
Jan Werkhoven
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3 answers

css/jquery/velocity.js wipe effect

I want to mimic powerpoint's wipe effect with css / jquery / velocity.js. Desired effect: I tried to use css3 masking (svg/gradient) but with no success. Here is a simple wipe effect with no…
Ilan Frumer
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2 answers

jQuery weird interaction between .hide() and .show()

I have two elements in my website in the same container. One is visible (display: block), and one is hidden (display: none). On an event, I want the visible element to hide, and the hidden element to show. The problem is, when I show the hidden…
1 answer

scrollmagic and velocityjs

I'm trying to animate a div at some point with scrollmagic and velocity.js It gives me an error supplied argument of 'addTo()' is not a valid ScrollMagic Controller so the velocity animation takes place before it reach the trigger but It seems to me…
sonia maklouf
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1 answer

Use velocity.js with webpack

I'm trying to use some parts of materialize-css, js, some of these parts depend on velocity and some other chunks of code that I have depend on jQuery. I'm using webpack to build it all. requiring velocity is not working for me, I still get a…
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Velocity.js fadeIn/fadeOut on div with fixed/absolute element buggy in IE 10

I'm trying to animate(fade in/out) a div containing an element that is fixed/absolute position, it work well in chrome BUT when i tested it on IE10/Edge, it has some undesirable effects like delay or lag (ie the back button at the bottom of the…
Ewe Seong
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Can velocity.js animate points inside a polygon tag

I am trying to morph a large number of svg polygons into some other svg polygons by using the points inside the other svg as destination. I read on velocity that you can animate coordinates and saw the examples, however when I try using it inside of…
Ivan Horvatin
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2 answers

Weird interactions between setinterval, and classes

Working on a slider, and Ive noticed that everything works great - function Slider(element) { this.i = 0; this.element = element; var self = this; this.timer = window.setInterval(function() { switch (self.i) { …
Jordan Whalen
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1 answer

How to check Velocity is animated

In jQuery we have: .is(':animated') But this doesn't work for velocity.js. How to check the element is an animated?
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1 answer

Velocity.js: How to stop a queue but make the element go to its final state?

I would love to stop an animation queue and make the element go to the final state of that queue. $el.velocity('finish', true) can only make $el go to the end of current animation in the queue but ignore all the remaining animations. here's a demo…
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1 answer

Javascript script loading order - function undefined

I am working within a not so nice template which has forced me to load some scripts in with JS as I can not control there order. I am trying to load a library but when I attempt to call it, I get an undefined error. $.getScript(…
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