Questions tagged []

Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET) is a multi-paradigm, managed, type-safe, object-oriented computer programming language. Along with C# and F#, it is one of the main languages targeting the .NET Framework. VB.NET can be viewed as an evolution of Microsoft's Visual Basic 6 (VB6) but implemented on the Microsoft .NET Framework. DO NOT USE this tag for VB6, VBA or VBScript questions.

Microsoft's Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is a multi-paradigm, managed, type-safe, object-oriented computer programming language. Along with C# and F#, it is one of the main languages targeting the .NET Framework. VB.NET can be viewed as an evolution of Microsoft's Visual Basic 6, but implemented on the Microsoft .NET Framework. This is reflected in VB.NET's version numbering, which continues from VB6. Although Microsoft decided to drop the ".NET" portion of the language's name in 2005, it is still often referred to that way in order to distinguish it from its predecessors.

This tag should only be used for questions which relate to .NET versions of VB. It should not be confused with , , or . Although those languages share a similar syntax with VB.NET, they are entirely different technologies.

To date, the following versions of VB.NET have been released:

VB.NET is supported in a wide range of platforms:

Popular VB.NET questions on Stack Overflow


134281 questions
5 answers

How can i get the DomainName\AccountName with the .NET Framework?

How can i get the DomainName\AccountName as string with the .NET Framework?
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3 answers

VB.NET and sizeof

I'm converting some code from C# to VB.NET. I have the following line in C# var bytes = new byte[password.Length * sizeof(char)]; Looking on MSDN it appears that VB.NET does not seem to have the sizeof operator. I understand there is a…
Kevin Brydon
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2 answers

Whats the difference between HttpClient.Timeout and using the WebRequestHandler timeout properties?

I can set the timeout of my HttpClient object directly with HttpClient.Timeout but I've recently read about the WebRequestHandler class which is a derivative of HttpClientHandler. WebRequestHandler has a ReadWriteTimeout property. How will this…
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2 answers

Unknown Publisher when I install application I wrote?

When I install my application on my computer I get a warning that the publisher is not verified. How can I change that? or do I need to worry about that when I distribute my application? The application is written in Visual Studio 2008 with VB.NET
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5 answers

Get default Windows System Colors in .NET

I'm writing a custom Button control as part of a (soon to be) free Control suite, and I would like to base my (default) Control colors on the corresponding Windows System colors. So, after looking up "default windows system colors" online I could…
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1 answer

How to see CSC.EXE (or VBC.EXE) parameters when building from Visual Studio

Is there a way to see what the CSC (or VBC) parameters are, when building an application using the Visual Studio? Visual Studio calls CSC.exe/VBC.exe behind the scenes. I want to know if there is a way to see that call. I need this info to replicate…
S Nash
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2 answers

How can I best handle WPF radio buttons?

I've got some RadioButtons in my XAML... One
Zack Peterson
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6 answers

Random array using LINQ and C#

I was reading an article on MSDN Magazine about using the Enumerable class in LINQ to generate a random array. The article uses VB.NET and I'm not immediately sure what the equivalent is in C#: Dim rnd As New System.Random() Dim numbers =…
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3 answers

Monitor USB drives and retrieve device Info using a DeviceWatcher?

I'm a WinForms developer and I already knew how to monitor the USB's that connects or disconnects using WMI, but time ago I'd discovered the DeviceWatcher class for Modern Windows Apps, that Class has interested at first time 'cause seems like a…
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7 answers

What do you think of multiline lambdas in VB 10

I was just watching a video on MSDN Channel 9 which can be found here, about some of the new features in Visual Basic 10. Now I like most of the new features, some of which have been long awaited(auto properties and Collection Initializers), one…
Nathan W
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1 answer

Determine which mouse was clicked (multiple mice devices) in .NET

I want to detect when my touchpad is clicked! I normally use a usb mouse, so I don't use the touchpad for anything. Instead I'd like to make it possible to perform an action in .NET, when the touchpad is clicked. This way I can use it as a…
Morten Kirsbo
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3 answers

Is there a VB.NET-Like operator in C#?

I am rewriting a app and I can't claim to be great with vb. I need to write this equivilent in C#: Dim bigList = (From gme In dtx.gmc_message_elements Where gme.element_key_name Like "*email" _ Or…
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10 answers

Entity Framework - C# or VB.Net

My company is tossing around the idea of using the Entity Framework when it comes out with .NET 4. We are currently a VB.NET shop, but have some interest in switching to C#. Is there any major arguments for or against such a move? Does EF with C#…
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5 answers

Comma Separated List of Array Items

Is there a built-in function in VB.NET which would take an array of strings and output a string of comma separated items? Example: function( { "Sam","Jane","Bobby"} ) --> "Sam, Jane, Bobby"
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3 answers

Different Interop references on two different computers doesn't work

When I add a reference to Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel on my computer, Visual Studio adds this to the project file: {00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 1
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