Questions tagged [usermode]

61 questions
0 answers

Python Ctypes Windows Access Violation - reading memory location

I am writing an application using the Deviare usermode hooking engine over COM in python. One of the functions I am hooking is CreateProcessA, but I seem to be having trouble passing the appropriate pointers from a hooked function to the ctypes…
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Reading the CTS line of RS232 at speed in c++

I’m a relative rs232 newbie. I have an elapsed time reader chip: that has been configured to spew out data on the CTS line of an RS232 com port every other 250ms with each data set lasting 62.5ms. The data…
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How to start a user mode program from kernel mode in windows

I have a driver (kernel mode)(KMDF) and i have a user preferences form. i need to start the activity from the driver code and get the preferences. so how do i start that user mode program from kernel in windows operating system ?
Eswar Yaganti
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User Mode vs Userland

Is Userland just another way to say User Space & User-Mode? For example, would I be able to say: There are various subsystems in Userland. Instead of: There are various subsystems in User-Mode. ..and would it be a valid way of saying that?
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Difference between User vs Kernel System call

A system call is how a program requests a service from an operating system's kernel. They can occur in user-mode and kernel-mode. What are differences? For example: Overhead System time
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user mode and kernel mode provide protection from the user?

Personally I would presume that User Mode allows the restricted access so nothing could be changed that shouldn't be, hence the Kernel mode. Although presuming isn't good enough. Does anyone know why or how they provide protection from a user.
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How to break into KD(Windbg) for Explorer crash

I see a crash in Explorer.exe, due to our security s/w dll loaded in to the Explorer.exe. The crash happens during the shutdown of the system. The VM is connected to the Kernel debugger. I don't see Kernel debugger breaks when exception happens. I…
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Sending value from kernel mode to user mode

I'm developing a kernel-mode driver for an Anti Virus program, but I've a problem in Drivers section I want to send a string value (For example "String") from Kernel-mode driver to user-mode application . can anyone help me to do this ?
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Linux user space PCI driver

I'm trying to write a PCI device driver that runs in user space. Not my idea, what the client wants. Target is an embedded Linux board that will never have more than a single user. I'm an experienced C programmer and know Linux, just not familiar…
M. Schmidt
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Running a dll in kernel mode

I'm just curious: I have a Windows dll which does some rendering/drawing jobs with openGL and then returns the result to the application. Would it be faster if the code didn't run in user-mode but in kernel-mode? (no interruptions and higher…
Marco A.
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Communicating with a driver over a network in Windows

How could I communicate with a driver from a usermode application over a network? I can't have the driver communicate with a local usermode application which then communicates with the remote application because that wouldn't work for what I'm…
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1 answer

Is it possible to be aware of exception occurrence by monitoring IDT?

Is it possible to be aware of exception occurrence (In user-mode & kernel-mode) by monitoring IDT(Interrupt Descriptor Table)?
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What is difference between User pages and Supervisor pages in Paging

I understand how to differentiate if the page is user page or supervisory page using the bit, but what is the difference between these pages and how is it related to the user mode or supervisory mode ?
Girija Vk
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Getting CPU cycles from user mode dump

Process Explorer has columns for CPU time (down to milliseconds) and CPU Cycles. For WinDbg I am aware of the !runaway command, also !runaway 7 for more details, but it shows CPU time only. Are the CPU cycles also available somehow in a user mode…
Thomas Weller
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1 answer

Security: How to show/hide, by password, QGroupBox in Qt App

I'm trying to prepare my Qt App (in C++) to be used by different user profiles: root user and normal user, so I want to hide specific root options (restricted QGroupBox) in normal user mode, and then when it's needed by a root user he could type…
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