Questions tagged [upgrade]

This tag refers to the process of replacing a particular system with a newer version of the same system

With computer , an upgrade is a term that describes adding or replacing physical components to a computer that improves its performance.

When referring to software, a software upgrade generally refers to any major upgrade to the software that adds significant changes to the program.

4062 questions
1 answer

How to perform Wix Upgrade with custom bootstrapper

I want to enable Upgrade in the 2nd version of our WiX custom BA installer. In my Product.wxs, Product ID is set to *, version is set to 2.0.0, and upgrade code remains the same as the 1st version's. To detect Upgrade, I used DetectRelatedBundle…
mark uy
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Angular Component content does not show after upgrading to angular 6.0

I upgraded my Angular 5.2 project to Angular 6, including upgrading rxjs and installing rxjs-compat. I have a landing page that sets the input variable isLoggedIn for a top bar component included in the template. The issue is that the top bar…
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3 answers

What are the measurable benefits from migrating from Flex 3 to Flex 4?

We have a big Flex 3 project with 30 developers. I need to present benefits/costs of upgrading from Flex 3 to Flex 4 and I can't seem to find existing data on Google. I assume I am not the first to do this. Our application is RIA app so it's not a…
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WCF services not working after .Net Framework upgrade from 3.5 to 4.6.2

I am upgrading WCF services from .Net Framework 3.5 to .Net Framework 4.6.2. I have tried upgrading two services out of many services. Both services work on my local IIS but do not work on the server after deployment. The service returns wsdl…
1 answer

Could not compile used unit 'SHDocVw.pas' (Delphi) Active X

I'm upgrading a application from Delphi 6 to Delphi XE. I am using a TWebBrowser but for some reason Delphi refuses to recognize TWebBrowser as a type and also keeps adding in ShDocVw to the uses clause. It then throws the error Could not compile…
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1 answer removed on django 1.11

I'm upgrading django from 1.8 to 1.11 and this imports are failing from import sql_delete *** ImportError: cannot import name sql_delete from import sql_all *** ImportError: cannot import name…
Luis Sobrecueva
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2 answers

Upgrading Angular 5.2.7 to 5.2.10

I have created an Angular project using older cli version which by default installed Angular version 5.2.7 but now I want to upgrade my application to latest stable angular build i.e. 5.2.10. So the problem which I am struggling is that when we…
Ashutosh Singh
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3 answers

Angular 4 - trying to upgrade project - "requires a peer of" errors

I try to install the latest angular version in my project but I get tons of "requires a peer of/You must install peer dependencies yourself." errors, I have no idea how to solve this I guess it's probably not a bug so asking on angular git hub will…
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1 answer

How to upgrage node in ubuntu?

I couldn't install node version 4.7 in Ubuntu , when i upgrade the node it shows node 4.2.6 already in newest version. I need to install npm , only node 4.7 or above will allow to install npm.
Harshitha C
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1 answer

ABP version update using NuGet package manager

I have been tasked with creating a screen on an existing website that uses ASP.NET Boilerplate, to track the changes of entities and who made the changes. When I go into NuGet package manager to update ABP version, which was at version 0.9.5, I can…
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1 answer

TFS restoration-based move

When moving TFS from one machine to another by restoring it to new hardware (restoration-based move), the name of the old machine gets listed under the Application Tiers tab and is visible if the "Filter out machines that have not connected in more…
0 answers

EF Core fill missing data

My problem is simple, I just wonder about best practices. Let's say we have two objects, A and B, where B is a property of B, as so: public class A { public B b {get; set;} } This is V1 of the code, A is mapped via EF to a SQL database. Now V2…
0 answers

Postgres 10 Upgrade Stuck Queries

I followed these instructions: Upgrade PostgreSQL from 9.6 to 10.0 on Ubuntu 16.10 And got the upgrade done without issue. I kept the old cluster - however with identical queries on the new cluster im getting: wait_event_type: IO wait_event:…
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0 answers

Is it possible to move an entire Delphi development environment?

I'm working with an old (Delphi 2010) app with a number of very specific components that have to be installed, some from compiled from sources. It's a pain to set up, is what I'm getting at. Currently, I have it on a Windows 10 machine, but I…
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CSS flex-end behaviour has changed from Chrome 64 to 65

I just noticed a weird bug when I upgraded from Chrome 64 to 65. The behaviour of a flex styled div suddenly changed. I have a div styled like so: .modal-add-branch .modal-body .modal-pill-row .search-col { display: flex; align-items:…
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