Questions tagged [unreal-development-kit]

Unreal Development Kit (Game Engine)

Unreal Development Kit is a Game Engine which provide development for DirectX 9/10/11 PCs, the Xbox 360, the PlayStation 3, and OpenGL-based OSes (Mac OS X, iOS). Minimum and recommended system requirements are:


Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
2.0+ GHz processor
2 GB system RAM
SM3-compatible video card
3 GB free hard drive space

Recommended for Content Development:

Windows Vista 64 SP2
2.0+ GHz multi-core processor
8 GB System RAM
NVIDIA 8000 series or higher graphics card
Plenty of HDD space
135 questions
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Vector Rotator conversions in UDK

I've looked all around and find very little by way of actual code or function examples. Hopefully when (if) they get out of beta there will be some more effort put into documentation. In UDK (2013-07 beta): 1) How do you convert a vector to a…
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Unreal development kit export textures

I am not familiar wit UDK tool, bot I have complete source code (Binaries directory, Development directory, Engine directory and UDKGame directory) from one game and I want to export all textures from this project. How is it possible?
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Unable to connect to UDK server in a sane manner

Some friends and I are trying to create a game using the UDK 3. Right now it's nothing special; we've got a Pawn that spawns and moves around a custom map, and it's all written over the example game that comes with the UDK. I'm trying to get a…
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Don't see texture in UDK from Blender object

I am starting with UDK by creating a map of my home. I am creating the furniture in Blender, then export it to .fbx and finally import it in UDK to use it. The problem is that I can't achieve to see the texture I created with Blender in UDK. In UDK…
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How can I gain more freedom of camera rotation in a UDK game?

I have a game concept being designed in UDK, using a first-person camera. By default, you can only look (i.e. rotate the camera) so far up and so far down, but the effect I want to achieve is for the player to be able to look down at themselves so…
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ctrl+left click not editing terrain Unreal Engine

When I press ctrl + left click in UDK it's doing nothing to the terrain. I've tried both ctrl keys & still can't seem to find the issue. A picture:
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Unreal Engine and Windows RT / Windows 8

I am new to game development and I found here that Unreal Engine is available for Windows RT/Windows 8. I would like to make a very simple game for Windows 8(RT) but I see there is no support in UDK. Is there a "magic button" to export a game…
Alex G
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Is it possible to programatically create a simple 3d object on Unreal?

Is there a way to create and use a simple 3d model on the Unreal Engine?
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How to make the Camera of UDK (Unreal Developement Kit) Move alone side scrolling?

I am on a project for a space side scrolling game and I am trying to make the camera of the engine act like an old space shooter game(move alone and when the player pawn stays idle move it alone at its edge), I tried to find tutorials for a…
George D
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How to import and program in UDK

I am currently learning UDK tutorials but I dont understand how to make real game with this like exporting my maya models and its animation rigs etc etc like in unity we do. Also how do I program my characters, AI for enemies etc. Please convey your…
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Unable to resolve host when POSTing

I've hit a roadblock when trying to post to a server. I've made a child of the TCPLink class with the following Opened() even (the GET function works) event Opened() { //let the php file know what's coming WorldInfo.Game.Broadcast(self,…
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How do I correct a "const mismatch in out variable"?

So I'm currently writing code to access a player's uniqueNetId using: Class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem().UniqueNetIdToString( OnlineSubsystemSteamworks(Class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem()).LoggedInPlayerId.Uid); But…
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PropertyName in VariableLinks not being assigned (UDK/Unreal Script)

So basically I have a custom SequenceCondition that has a VariableLink which takes in a propertyname, when ever i run the code I always get false (ActivateOutputLink(1)) because my property value is always "none". The item being linked is a custom…
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Dynamic obstacles avoidance in navigation mesh system

I've built my path finding system with unreal engine, somehow the path finding part works just fine while i can't find a proper way to solve dynamic obstacles avoidance problem. My characters are walking allover the map and collide with each other…
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free unity3d-like game engine with graphical viewing tool

I am currently developing games for my company in Unity3d for iOS. I would like to start making games for myself but the initial investment for unity3d or unreal engine is way to high for me(for unity i would have to pay 1500$ for the engine itself…
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