Questions tagged [unknown-host]

An unknown host is an error message that generates when a destination computer or host server name cannot be resolved. The message indicates that the user's provided host server name does not exist or match any Domain Name System (DNS) records. The unknown host message is common when a user tries to connect to a remote host. The error occurs for a number of reasons, including underlying configuration, server unavailability or incorrect host name.

Unknown Host Definition - What does Unknown Host mean?

An unknown host is an error message that generates when a destination computer or host server name cannot be resolved. The message indicates that the user's provided host server name does not exist or match any Domain Name System (DNS) records.

The unknown host message is common when a user tries to connect to a remote host. The error occurs for a number of reasons, including underlying configuration, server unavailability or incorrect host name. Stop Ransomware Mid-Flight Techopedia explains Unknown Host

An unknown host message is generated when a user attempts to ping a host name without a configured DNS resolution. If the ping is unsuccessful, the user should verify that the ping was sent to the correct remote host address. If so, the user should verify DNS name resolution, configuration and Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) availability.

Commands are often used to deduce the root cause of an issue. For example, the "nslookup" command tests host name resolution and verifies DNS server registration. This command usually follows testing a computer's Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) host name resolution, where the computer's Internet Protocol (IP) address is located and verified.

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140 questions
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What can be the best approach to handle for AWS users?

My application sends message to Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic but sometime (6/10) I get The reason of exception is described in the amazon web services discussion…
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com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: UnknownHostKey on Java servlet

There are other similar questions to this, but I don't feel like it answers mine. From a Java servlet I need to be able to ssh to any server on my company's network and dynamically handle this unknown key exception and then issue a command to get…
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Stop hotlinking using htaccess and non-specific domain code

I need to write an anti-hotlink command for my .htaccess file but it can not be specific to any domain name in particular. Here's what I found on another sites so far but I'm not sure exactly why it doesn't work, can anyone spot the problem? # Stop…
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com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown database 'dbname'

while trying to connect to mysql database by java i get the following error com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown database 'dbname' i wrote the same code while the db was on local host and it worked but…
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1 answer Unable to resolve host ""

I am running my application on a Galaxy Tab (v1). I have added the permission. I am checking if a site is online with the following code: public boolean…
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Groovy URL UnknownHostException on Windows

I'm trying to build a groovy script that connects to a website. The webaddress ends in a non-standard format .abc. I had this snippet of code working on a Linux box and now I am moving it over to a Windows box. The Windows box throws an…
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Jenkins unable to install plugin unknownhost

I have installed Oracle VM and created a centos 7 machine in which I have installed Docker successfully then I installed jenkins from docker image : jenkins/jenkins in that I am not able to install plugins, it is giving me below…
sachin pareek
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Jenkins on Ubuntu UnknownHostException when installing plugins

Im using a linux ubuntu 20.10 server (bare metal server on OVH) and have jenkins installed on it. I keep getting or when trying to install plugins using…
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UnknownHostException in Spring Boot with Consul

I am using spring-boot-starter-parent version 2.2.2.RELEASE with spring-cloud.version Hoxton.SR1 to create 2 services : ordercreate(Supplier) and orderconsume(Consumer). In Consul, the 2 services are up as below I get the…
1 answer

ElasticSearch Rest High Level Client gives UnknownHostException

I was trying to connect to my elasticsearch cluster using RestHighLevelClient but it seems to be not working for me. Following is the code snippet I used. import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpHeaders; import…
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Unhandled Exception, but try catch blocks doesn't seem to do what I think it should

I'm working on connecting to an IRC server currently, and I'm getting an error thrown saying "Error:(20, 16) java: unreported exception; must be caught or declared to be thrown" public connection(String host, int port){ …
1 answer

file permission errors with all containers on docker host

I have a a few images a tibco , weblogic & spring boot etc that suddenly started failing on some of our linux server after a patching cycle because they cant determine the hostname of the container. I have a docker swarm with one master and one…
2 answers

unknown host when lookup pod by name, resolved with pod restart

I have an installer that spins up two pods in my CI flow, let's call them web and activemq. When the web pod starts it tries to communicate with the activemq pod using the k8s assigned amq-deployment-0.activemq pod name. Randomly, the web will get…
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IOException: Unable to resolve host "URL": No address associated with hostname

I am working on an android application. When I run the application on Sony mobile, it runs very well. When I use Huawei mobiles, it doesn't work, and is giving me this exception: IOException: Unable to resolve host "URL": No address associated with…
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1 answer

UnknownHostException on an IP Address

I have some code Running on Tomcat that connects to and FTP to download some files. The FTP works fine on the server where the Tomcat is running when I connect via command line. My code also works when running on my PC. However, when I run it on the…
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