Questions tagged [uniform]

Uniform is a jQuery plugin that beautifies standard form elements such as inputs, selects and radiobuttons with new styled elements.

Uniform is a jQuery plugin that beautifies standard form elements such as inputs, selects and radiobuttons with new styled elements. Uniform supports "theming", eg use of alternative CSS classes as a theme.

260 questions
2 answers

How to use shader uniforms in general?

Shaders can have lots of different uniform names + attributes. How can I make a system which works in general case so that I do not have to know each shader uniform's name beforehand and hardcode it to code to get its location. I use OpenGL.
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1 answer

What makes an uniform buffer object active?

OpenGL function glGetActiveUniformBlockName() is documented here. The short description reads: [it] retrieves the name of the active uniform block at uniformBlockIndex within program. How can I make an uniform block active?
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3 answers

Jquery uniform wont design input type=text elements

This picture shows that the input type=text wont be designed by the uniform lib. here is the code: Log On