Questions tagged [umask]

umask is a Unix command to specify default permissions for the new files, created by the current user. umask is inverted ( umask 0 = world readable, writeable and executable).

umask is a Unix command to specify default permissions for the new files, created by the current user. umask is inverted ( umask 0 = world readable, writeable and executable).

It is used when multiple users produce some shared data but any user must be capable of overwriting this data.

The default umask is often selected so to 022 (only owner can modify the file but the group and the world can read) or to 002 (owner and group can modify the file, the world can read).

umask accepts the same bitwise mask as chmod command, but it is inverted: it specifies bits that must not be set. For instance

 umask 555
 touch t.tmp
 ls -l t.tmp

will result

 --w--w--w- 1 me 0 2013-01-25 09:11 z.tmp

(444 is the "write only" flag). By concept, the mask serves for removal of permissions (000 - nothing is removed, 777 - all removed).

Regardless of umask, the newly created files may not be executable, for instance on Ubuntu 10.04:

 umask 0
 touch x.tmp
 ls -l x.tmp

will anyway result

 -rw-rw-rw- me 0 2013-01-25 09:36 x.txt

even if the lowest (execute) bit is 0 in umask.

134 questions
3 answers

how to set umask for directory and exit places

I am writing a script which is creating directories to be used using the following command mktemp -d I've to add a umask to the directories being created in the above way. And I've to add it to the exit conditions of the code. Below is the sample…
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1 answer

Changing umask of apache on ArchLinux

This didn't work: Setting the umask of the Apache user Arch doesn't have a /etc/apache2/envvars file, and changing the /etc/rc.d/httpd script didn't change anything. Maybe someone can enlighten me how/where to exactly change the rc-script, so apache…
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1 answer

How to create a directory with 777 permissions?

I want to create directory with permission 777. The code below is creating the directory, but not with permissions I asked for. section .text global _start: _start: mov rax,83 ;syscall number for directory mov rdi,chaos ;…
0 answers

umask and file permission issue with php application upload

I installed a domain with Prestashop 1.7 on a Plesk Onyx Centos 7 box with pretty standard settings (PHP-FPM server by Apache - Php7 Plesk handler). Domain is using its own user / webspace with the classic "psacln" group and files/folder with…
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0 answers

Set an umask before launching Process with JAVA

I would add a umask before launching process with java, but the java process api (i use java 9) does not provide a method to set an umask. I tried to run a process by executing umask with a value that allows me to create but not read (0644). it did…
1 answer

Debian PHP file permissions after extract zip archive

I have a Debian server which I use for php. I have the directory /var/www where my php files are stored. the whole directory and all files belongs to ftpuser:internetuser. Every file in this directory have the permission 664. Now there is a .zip…
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1 answer

Where is the umask setting stored? Can this be applied to home directory other than setting it globally?

umask seems to be set in various files (centos) as: /etc/profile /etc/profile.d/ /etc/login.defs ... what is the precedence order for this? Moreover, when you set the umask using "umask xxx" where does this value gets stored? what is the…
Haris Farooqui
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1 answer

How to set umask and dos2unix when checking out on Linux?

How can I configure my svn client (/bin/svn) to check out files under a default permission setting (e.g. umask 0022 or chmod 755) as well as to instantly convert them from DOS file format? Currently, I do dos2unix.
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2 answers

mktemp vs. umask 066 and touch?

My bash shell requires a temp file. Suppose filename conflict is not an issue, can I say mktemp is not as good as manually touch a temp file after umask 066? My assumption is: mktemp is a system function, compared to manually touch a file, it still…
1 answer

How to change umask so all files start with different modal bits than new directories

Specifiacally, I need to give files rw----r-- and dirs rwx--xr-x
Jordan Wiley
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1 answer

Does Unix.mkdir set umask correctly?

I called Unix.mkdir "test" 0o000 and expected directory with rwxrwxrwx permissions but had -------w-. After call Unix.mkdir "test" (Unix.umask 0o000) I have the same result. I can't understand why. How to create directory with rwx permissions for…
Valentine Zakharenko
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Umask is not working

I have an odd problem with umask in ubuntu 14.04 I have added below line in /etc/pam.d/common-session session optional I have also edited /etc/login.defs and change the UMASK line to UMASK 022 But while checking in command…
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1 answer

What should be the umask value to ensure that the extra bits cannot be set?

I am learning about UNIX, permission bits, and umask. What should be the umask value to ensure that the extra bits cannot be set?
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1 answer

Beside umask what else affects permissions of new directories?

I noticed that if you interrup rsync, some new directories remain having permissions drwx------, although current umask is 0022. I launched gdb and tried to explicitly call umask(0) right before calling mkdir(), but it had no effect: I expected new…
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1 answer

Why does google app engine tell me that umask is not implemented in python on windows?

Does google app engine not support umask? I can use it in anaconda on windows, but when I try it in google app engine (running locally), it doesn't work. This code: import webapp2 import os class MainHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler): def…
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