Questions tagged [uitabbar]

UITabBar is a user interface element in Apple's iOS, which is a bar at the bottom of the screen and has images and/or text representing different views of an application.


UITabBar - iOS Class (Apple Docs)

Class Structure = UITabBar : UIView : UIResponder : NSObject

A UITabBar is a common user interface element used in constructing multi-view applications. Each tab/button may contain text or an image, and when pressed corresponds to a , or a subclass of (such as a ).

Image: screenshot of the UITabBar in Apple's Health application.

UITabBar Example

The object which controls a Tab Bar, is a . This class manages the view swapping that occurs when the user selects another tab.

2257 questions
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How to get image value of my UITabBarItem when using StoryBoard Reference?

I have an error when I use StoryBoard Reference after a UITabBarController (which is a custom one). I found how to customise my icon image, but in my code, when I try to get this image, the value doesn't exist. Here is my image configuration: And…
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UIWebView throwing NSUnknownKeyException iPad

I have a tab bar application. Everything works normally, and I can switch between tabs fine and everything, except when I switch to my second tab ProductViewClass the view doesn't update and it spits out the console output below. I have nothing in…
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Detect a tab item is clicked though out the app

I want to go to home tab (which is 3rd tab out of 5 tabs) when the tab item is pressed. I need this to happen when I'm in a view controller which is navigated from home tab too. I tried self.navigationController?.popToViewController(self, animated:…
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Go to home page tab on click on tab item from each and every page

I need to go to home page when I click on Home tab item. Even when I am in an inside page of any tab , any page. Note : The whole tab bar controller is embedded in a navigation controller and navigated to tab bar controller from another page.
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iPhone X UITabBarButton misposition

I'm having an issue on iPhoneX using XCode9.2 but I have no issue running the app using XCode8. From my findings are the UITabBar height is set at 49. UITabBarButton height is 14 for iPhoneX but UITabBarButton is 49 for iPhone 6 Any ideas how to…
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hidebottombarwhenpush is not working in moving tabbarcontroller storyboard to another storyboard

Here is my question like I am having a storyboard called Tabbar.storyboard and another storyboard called Main.storyboard. Tabbar.storyboard is my initial storyboard and application starts with that storyboard. Now when I move from Tabbar storyboard…
Jitendra Modi
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Xamarin.forms : how to add a gradient color for tabbar

in xamrin froms app, we have a tabbar, we need to add some gradient color for that tab bar in both iOS and android devices. how can we that ?
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Swift: Dismissing Modally Presented View Controller when Tab Bar is tapped

I have a tabbed application with a subclassed UITabBarController. My first view controller is capable of modally presenting another view controller. My modally-presented view controller is supposed to dismiss itself when anything outside its content…
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2 answers

How to scale a TabBarItem Image

I want to add a UITabBar in my UIViewController, I don't want to use UITabBarController because I need to push this view controller into a navigation controller. Everything is fine except that my images for UITabBarItem is not scale to fit the item…
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a view containing UITableView and UITabBar

I am using UINavigationController to push and pop other UIViewControllers in my app. In one of the UIViewControllers I am using UITabBar to switch between different views. One of the view has UITableView and I am having difficulty showing the tabBar…
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UITabBarItem and selection one of the view

It's possible select the UITabBarItem desired in a TabBarController with 4 UITabBarItem with a click on a button?
0 answers

How to show ui tab bar badge when UiTabBarController is having storyboard ids linked up, instead of direct child view controllers?

On my storyboard, I have one main UiTabBarController, which is then having 5 child storyboard ids. Each of the storyboard id is having its child view controllers and it expands. My question is, when I tried to set badge value at my main…
2 answers

Replicate UIScrollView's scrollToTop does not expand the UINavigationBar on UITabBar tap in iOS 11

(Similar to this question, which is unanswered: Tableview scroll to top not going all the way, as well as this one, also unanswered: Show navigation bar's large title and search bar on scroll to top collection view iOS 11 Swift 4) I am trying to…
1 answer

How to change tab bar height programmatically

I want to change the height of an tab bar. I changed it this way, but no change occurred. Here's my UITabBarController: import UIKit import SideMenu class TabBarController: UITabBarController { override func viewDidLoad() { …
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select tabbar item programmatically and show the indicator image

I am using UITabBar, not UITabBarController. Whenever user clicks on any tab, I am able to see the underlined image. public override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() UITabBar.appearance().selectionIndicatorImage =…
Astha Gupta
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