Questions tagged [uipath-studio]

UiPath Studio is a powerful and user-friendly automation canvas and essential component for UiPath platform.

UiPath Studio is a powerful and user-friendly automation canvas and essential component for UiPath platform. UiPath Studio features a rich collection of pre-built activities, integrates with several programming languages, and promotes ease-of-use, scalability, and efficiency.


141 questions
1 answer

how to scrape dynamic web pages using ui path studio

I tried web scraping reviews from a website called and the reviews posted on this website are loaded dynamically. The amount of reviews scraped are 40 only i tried changing the "MaxNoOfResults" variable to higher value…
2 answers

UiPath Studio version control: Git vs. TFS

I'm currently working on the Topic UiPath - Version Control. I saw that I can connect the studio via Git, TFS and SVN. From my understanding, TFS is nothing else than Azure DevOps and Azure DevOps is using Git as technology. So now my question: Is…
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2 answers

download data from website using uipath RPA

I have automated the login and getting to the downloading page where i have some pdf's which i want to download. These pdf's are dynamic ,sometimes there are 10 sometimes 100 ,it changes everyday.i want to download those pdf's . please find the…
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1 answer

Scrape Field Value Data from PDF using UIPath

I want to scrape data from the “w2 form” (pdf) so that i can use it to save into database but not able to get field wise data. I have tried “Read PDF text” which reads the whole document fetches all text but i want to find field wise values…
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2 answers

Error in UiPath project with Outlook Mail Message: System.ArgumentException

I’m trying to use Get Outlook Mail Message to export date and subject of the email but I keep getting this error: Source: Get Outlook Mail Messages Message: The specified folder does not exist Exception Type:…
1 answer

Data Scraping RPA - UiPath

I'm trying to scrape data in UiPath Studio, but not the regular single/multiple page data scraping. I want to scrape the data of every single element. E.g: If I search Iphone on Amazon it will give tons of records. What I want is to enter in each…
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