Questions tagged [tying-the-knot]

Tying the knot is a technique in which you can create circular data structures in the absence of mutation by referencing a yet to be produced value.

27 questions
0 answers

How to preserve native cyclic list structure during transformations in Haskell?

I'm studying graph-like things handling in Haskell using 'tying the knot' technique. I suppose, cyclic lists is just kind of infinite list internal implementation, so in ideal world one should not care about subj. But it can have dramatic effect on…
3 answers

Is it possible to do a search on a graph constructed with the tying-the-knot strategy?

The tying-the-knot strategy can be used to construct graphs such as, using a simple two-edged graph as an example: data Node = Node Node Node -- a - b -- | | -- c - d square = a where a = Node b c b = Node a d c = Node a d d =…
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1 answer

Level-order repminPrint

repmin problem is pretty well-known. We are given a data type for trees: data Tree a = Leaf a | Fork (Tree a) a (Tree a) deriving Show We need to write a function down (repmin) which would take a tree of numbers and replace all numbers in it by…
1 answer

Functional Pearl: Implementing trace in JavaScript

Ross Paterson: Arrows and Computation introduces the trace function (on page 11): trace :: ((a, c) -> (b, c)) -> a -> b trace f a = let (b, c) = f (a, c) in b The trace function is useful for modularizing the magic feedback step in circular…
2 answers

Birecursively defining a doubly infinite list of lists

Context I asked about patching a recursively-defined list the other day. I'm now trying to bring it up a level by operating on a 2D list instead (a list of lists). I'll use Pascal's triangle as an example, like for example this beautiful…
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Tie-the-knot in 2 dimensions (was: tying the knot with a comonad)

Edit: The original question was "tying the knot with a comonad", but what really helped here is a two-dimensional knot tying with U2Graph from cirdec. Original question (until Anwser): I want to tie the knot with data that originates from a…
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4 answers

Self-reference in data structure – Checking for equality

In my initial attempt at creating a disjoint set data structure I created a Point data type with a parent pointer to another Point: data Point a = Point { _value :: a , _parent :: Point a , _rank :: Int } To create a singleton set, a…
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3 answers

Mutually recursive evaluator in Haskell

Update: I've added an answer that describes my final solution (hint: the single Expr data type wasn't sufficient). I'm writing an evaluator for a little expression language, but I'm stuck on the LetRec construct. This is the language: type Var =…
Tom Lokhorst
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1 answer

How does repmin place values in the tree in Haskell?

I really like the repmin problem: Write down repmin :: Tree Int -> Tree Int, which replaces all the numbers in the tree by their minimum in a single pass. If I were writing something like this in python, I would go for passing values by their…
Zhiltsoff Igor
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Haskell: handling cyclic dependencies while tying the knot

While writing a programming language that will feature local type inference (i.e. it will be capable of inferring types with the exception of function parameters, like Scala), I've run into a problem with cyclic dependencies. I perform…
1 answer

How to perform Tying the Knot/define observable recursively using iteself in Rx.Net?

Sometimes the business logic seems to be able to naturally modeled by some recursive defined observables. Here is one example: interface Demo { IObservable userCommands; IObservable> processes; …
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Non-exhaustive patterns in aux function for tying the knot

I am trying to write a function in Haskell that takes a table and pads up cells of each column according to the maximum size of a string in that column. The way I am doing this is by using the technique - tying the knot. Here is the function that I…
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