Questions tagged [two-way-binding]

298 questions
1 answer

ComboBox Silverlight 5 auto search not working when using the TwoWay "Binding"

The ComboBox seems to face a problem when the data binding happen. The auto text search is not working. Need help here. Do not know what the actual problem is or if I missed out something.
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wpf binding list, listbox and control twoway

Is there any way to update listbox items text after updating it in textboxes? I wanna do it only with bindings if it is possible. Listbox is reading from list, but list isn't updating so it's never gonna change, unless I add new item to list. Here…
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Change dynamic nested json values

this is my Json : { "name": "table", raw_material: { "iron": 2, "wood": 1, "glue": 1 } } Sometimes, it is different: { "name": "table", raw_material: { "iron": 2, "plastic": 1, …
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Why twoway binding doen't work as expected?

I need some help with binding. Twoway mode doesn't work at all. I fill my window with data passed to the constructor and it's working fine. The problem is that I can't rewrite some data imputed in the window control even if I use Twoway…
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C# How do I create a (two way) databinding to Parent Elements WITHOUT XAML

I'm trying to make a list of my PropertyEntry class (user control), which gets generated for each Property of a Person Class. Sadly most of the guides in the internet only tell you how to create a Binding by XAML files, but I need a solution that…
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Two-way data binding using custom attributes on a Switch component using MVVM Android

I'm trying to create a two-way data binding on a Switch component, using MVVM and LiveData, but I always receive a error: cannot find symbol on, and also i have: A failure occurred while executing…
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How can bind angular material auto complete data in component

I am working on Project . Using angular material auto-complete.Its working accurately.My problem is that i want to bind data while i select specific data from list but i don't know how to bind it. i tried [(ngModel)] but all in vain .html…
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x:Bind TwoWayBinding not working on Textblock

I am trying to make the two way binding work on Textblock with compilation binding x:Bind Problem: Even though setting TwoWay bind mode and PropertyChanged source trigger. Can not get it to work. When the object property balance changed in code…
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model changed in child directive effective in template not in parent directive link function with two way binding

Hello Folks : I have two directive , the second one is included in the template of the first one with two way binding app.directive('A', function() { return { template : '{{ value}}
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React Native code explanation

I have a simple app application project that I would appreciate if someone would explain the logic behind the code. On the click on the button the text that is inside the text input appears on the imageBackground. FilterView.js: import React, {…
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How to use ngModel with class data type in angular 2?

I would like to use class instance for two way data binding in angular 2 project. is it possible? I shorten code for easy understanding ---- typescript ---- export class PackageOption { name: string; description: string; ... } import {…
Nomura Nori
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jQuery - Dynamically show and hide button on checkbox checked/ unchecked, and vise versa

Attempt: I am trying to map a check-box checked & unchecked to a button show/hide. Also, to toggle check/uncheck the check-box when I click the mapped button. Problem: When I click one of the displayed buttons, all the checked boxed are unchecked…
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How to make ngModel available between components

I am seriously getting mad. I have tried everything. FormsModules,ReactiveForms,FORMDIRECTIVES,Input,Output i've been searching everywhere on how to make ngModel available between components. I am trying to show in an h1 tag the value which is being…
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