Questions tagged [tree-balancing]

In the context of data structures, tree balancing refers to reorganizing the nodes in a binary search tree to ensure that the height of the tree is not too large.

76 questions
0 answers

AVL Trees: How to properly rebalance?

I'm writing an AVL Tree class and my professor has included some tests for our code. I have passed all the tests except three, and the three tests I'm failing seem to indicate that when elements are added to or removed from the tree, the tree…
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Does a Red-Black Tree modify the left-to-right order of its leaves when it re-balances itself?

In other words, If you were to read the values of the leaves in a red black tree from left-to-right immediately after an insertion, would that order remain the same after performing balancing operations on the tree?
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AVL tree perfect balancing issue

I am wondering if there is fundamental issue for AVL tree re-balancing. According to several tutorials, for AVL insertion, maximum 2 rotates it can be balanced. However, it may depend what is called as balanced. Follow link to see the…
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Sorted Singly Linked List to BST Java

I currently have a sorted Linked List, and with a void return method, I need to recursively construct a balanced binary search tree from the list (which is referred to as the second parameter). And as parameters I can have only the LL Head, the root…
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Balancing AVL tree height/balance factor error

Alright so there is a lot of code here, but I thought it was best in case something wasn't immediately evident in my logic. My issue starts with the height, and my calculated balancing factor. I have looked up a countless amount of AVL-tree…
1 answer

Can an unsorted binary tree be balanced using a distance-function?

I´ve got the following theoretical problem: I have an amount n of cuboids in 3-dimensional space. They are aligned to the coordinate-system, so that one cuboid can be described via a point (x,y,z) and dimensions (dimX,dimY,dimZ). I want to organize…
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Calculating balance factor for an AVL tree with variable limits - possible?

I have been playing with code to implement insert into an AVL balanced binary tree which will be used in a largish project. I selected AVL instead of red black and other balancing methods because of its simplicity as I need to have confidence that…
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Calculating AVL tree node balance from it's children nodes' balances

Say I have an AVL tree such that it's nodes store their own balance factor as a single integer. How can I calculate the balance factor of a node N if I know the balance factor of both it's left and right child. Note that I DO NOT have the rHeight…
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When is the optimal time to balance a BST?

I have a BST and 2 queues that feed into it. In order for insertion and deletion to be in the shortest time possible I need to balance my tree every so often. For this I use the DSW algorithm. I have all this implemented and it all works great. My…
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How to rebalance AVL tree after leaf deletion?

Here is how I think it should be done (after reading p. 652 of D.S. Malik's "Data Structures using C++" 2nd). We traverse the path leading to the deleted leaf starting from its parent. For every node P along this path we do what is presented below.…
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what is the Balance factor in AVL tree

I'm making presentation for AVL tree, can't understand what is the balance factor. please give me the link or any thing that I can understand graphically how height of an AVL tree's height effect
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Red-Black Tree - Rotation Method Implementation - C++

I am implementing a Red-Black tree in c++, but I am having trouble with my rotation methods. The insert method works just fine without any balancing, but as soon as I try to rotate, my tree loses information. My guess is that I'm not setting…
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How can I fix my array so I don't have an IndexOutOfBoundsException?

For a HW assignment, I was tasked to add a bunch of methods into a BinarySearchTree class. Two methods I have are balance and InsertTree (I think it should've been named InsertNode). The authors from the textbook provided pseudo code of what the…
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How would I balance a degenerate tree? C++ Data Structure

I am currently learning data structure using C++. I understand how you would balance binary search tree as you insert new nodes. However, what if you already have a degenerate tree(single linklist), and want to balance that without creating a new…
2 answers

What are the two subtrees for C that makes it unbalanced?

In the tree: A / \ B C <-- Difference = 2 / / D E / G What are the two subtrees for node C that make it unbalanced??