Questions tagged [treap]

A treap is a form of a binary search tree data structure that maintains a dynamic set of ordered keys and allows binary searches among the keys.

A treap (tree+heap) is a Cartesian tree in which each key is given a (randomly chosen) numeric priority. As with any binary search tree, the inorder traversal order of the nodes is the same as the sorted order of the keys.

The structure of the tree is determined by the requirement that it be heap-ordered: that is, the priority number for any non-leaf node must be greater than or equal to the priority of its children.

Thus, as with Cartesian trees more generally, the root node is the maximum-priority node, and its left and right subtrees are formed in the same manner from the subsequences of the sorted order to the left and right of that node.

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29 questions
1 answer

What should I choose for an easy to code balanced binary search tree?

I would like to know which balanced BST would be easy to code in C++, and still have a complexity roughly equal to O(logn). I've already tried Red Black trees, but would like an alternative that is less complex to code. I have worked with Treaps in…
Tamim Addari
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1 answer

Prim's Algorithm with Treaps

Can Prim's algorithm be implemented by treaps to speed up the execution because a normal heap would pose a problem in updating the value of keys while storing vertices in heaps which otherwise would require O(V) space to store location of vertices…
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1 answer

Error in deleting treap

i have a procudere deletes for my treap, and on the line p=merge(l, merge(m, rs)); i have error error: non-const lvalue reference to type 'nodeptr' (aka 'node *') cannot bind to a temporary of type 'nodeptr' So here is implementation of deletes and…
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0 answers

Implementation of the Treap Add function

Hello so I am working on my treap method which requires a Stack to track the list of nodes that it goes through, and maintains the Heap Property by doing a list of rotations at the end. However, when I run this code it gives me…
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0 answers

How do I sucessfully rotate this Treaps: Randomized search trees?

I want to construct a randomized search tree by adding elements to a tree. Working from the Pseudocode in the link: // Insert a new node in the tree and return the updated tree. Algorithm insert(node, tree) if tree is empty return node …
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0 answers

Treap with implicit key get next_permutation/prev_permutation

How can I set next_permutation on some segment of array using Treap with implicit key in O(log(n)) time...I just need logic not code. Example arr = [1,2,3,5,4] prev_permutation(arr,3,4) = [ 1,2,3,4,5]
0 answers

Dynamic graph using Treap data structure

I am trying to implement Dynamic graph using Treap data structue. Here is node structure: class TreapNode { public: int key; int priority; TreapNode* left, *right; …
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0 answers

Is treap nearly complete tree?

I am learning treap, and I have found this definition: "A treap is a binary tree that maintains simultaneously the property of binary search tree (BST) and heap.Formally, a treap (tree + heap) is a binary tree whose nodes contain two values, a key…
1 answer

How to insert a node onto a Treap with three arguments

I am having issues inserting a Treapnode into a treap. It takes in 3 arguments. add(E key, P priority, treapnode x). I have tried many things and keep getting a null pointer exception. I have tried checking for null cases in both the left and the…
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1 answer

Using a stack to store treap nodes when adding new nodes. Why am I getting an EmptyStackException?

I'm building a treap class in Java. Below is my function for adding new nodes to the treap. The process is: traverse down to bottom of treap (while adding each node in the path to a local stack) only worrying about the BST structure at first, then,…
1 answer

Can rotations in treap violate it's heap-ordering or the binary search tree order?

I'm not sure if I can violate treap's heap-ordering or it's binary search tree like structure with left and/or right rotation methods. This is the code for left rotation typename BinarySearchTree::BSTTreeNode* rightSon =…
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2 answers

priority generation in treap data structure

I'm studying the treap data structure. When inserting node, treap radomly generate node's priority. But what if 69 node's generated priority is 13 in the picture above? Parent's priority must higher than child's priority. Do treap's binary tree…
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1 answer

height of binary tree in java taking no parameters

I know there are many functions to be found out there where you can easily get the height of the Binary search tree by recursively calling the function and using the root of the node as the parameter every time for the left and right subtree. But…
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3 answers

What is the difference between passing a pointer to function and passing reference of pointer to function?

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