Questions tagged [topshelf]

Topshelf is a service hosting framework for building Windows services using .NET.

Topshelf is a cross-platform (Windows and Mono) service hosting framework for .NET. Provides a simple fluent API for service configuration.

Source code is available for download on github and documentation/examples are available on the Topshelf project site and Topshelf documentation.

336 questions
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Cannot install TopShelf service using MSBuild and PSExec

Having copied over the bin directory, I am attempting to install a Topshelf service from a TeamCity build server onto our dev server, using MSBuild & psexec:
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Topshelf, Owin selfhost, F# and explicit fields

I've installed the package Topshelf.FSharp, and there is an example of how to use it here: Part of the example defines an "Svc" (service) class like this: type Svc() = member x.Start() = printfn "Started" …
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What's the proper way to host ServiceStack in a windows service?

I'm not using the HTTP functionality only the MQMessaging, so setting up my app host and listening on a port is not a requirement (at this time). I do want all the plumbing though that comes by default i.e. IoC ect. Is this possible? FYI, I'm using…
Stephen Patten
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'Job Exists' error when using AdoJobStore

"Couldn't store job: Unable to store Job: 'QbBackupGroup.QbBackup', because one already exists with this identification." I'm getting this anytime after the first run on a clean database (SQLCE). I've searched and found a few suggestions (i.e. here…
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Windows Service with Onion Architecture

All the onion architecture examples I've seen are within the context of ASP.NET MVC apps. They tend to avoid a direct reference between the UI and the service implementations (infrastructure) by putting IoC setup in the infrastructure DLL and using…
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How do I stop TopShelf creating multiple log files using log4net?

One of my TopShelf-hosted Windows services is creating duplicate log files that look like this: myapp.20140729.log myapp.20140729.log.20140729.log A similar problem has been described on StackOverflow before - the solutions in 10639682 didn't work…
Dylan Beattie
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MassTransit Consumer never invoked when using Windsor Integration

I can't seem to get the Castle Windsor Integration working for Mass Transit over RabbitMQ. Everything was working fine until I introduced Windsor into the picture. I referenced Castle.Windsor 3.2 and MassTransit.WindsorIntegration 2.9 and configured…
1 answer

Topshelf installer requires me to press enter twice - why?

When installing af service through cmd.exe the installer requires interaction with the command prompt. Twice i have to press a key to get it to continue. This is a problem for me when I want to automate the install. c:\>MyService.exe…
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1 answer

How to hook the service control handler from a Topshelf service

I have an existing Windows service that uses Topshelf very successfully. I now need to have the service receive notifications when specific USB devices are connected / disconnected to / from the machine. I can't see anything in Topshelf that would…
Jack Hughes
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1 answer

Resolving IServiceBus using IoC

I am using MassTransit for message queuing (using RabbitMQ), Castle Windsor as my IoC and Topshelf to run my app as a windows service. But I run to this problem which is so weird to me. This is my code I have a service public class TestService :…
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Start service command failed after deployment

I've got an issue with a Windows service - after deployment when service_Start is attempted it fails (times out). On the second attempt it mostly succeeds. I've tried increasing the timeout but it did not help. The service has no dependencies. It's…
Joanna Derks
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2 answers

Using TransactedInstaller - do I still need to use Rollback?

I've been using Topshelf for 3 years now, but only in simple use cases. I've started a new job and suggested using Topshelf but they override the Rollback method of the Installer class. For example they use it to call "http delete urlacl ...".…
Mark J Miller
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1 answer

Create a single application that can act as a service (using topshelf) and an interactive application

Previously when I have created Windows services in .NET, I create the application so that it can run as a service or as an interactive application (it identifies how it should run depending on the presence of a command line argument - for instance…
Lee Atkinson
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1 answer

Profiling an application that uses TopShelf

I am running a .net application using TopShelf, part of which is to process and save data into a Sql Server database. I've found that the process is quite slow so I want to look into profiling the application to see if there are any major…
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1 answer

Win Service works as Console Application but not as Windows Service

I created a Console Application service using Topshelf 4.2.1. to use it like a windows service. I am using Dapper to get data and update Microsoft SQL Server, I get the connections strings from app.config as well as constants in (folder path,…
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