Questions tagged [tmp]

The traditional name of directories (especially on Unix and Unix-like operating systems) used to store temporary files. Also, the filename extension of temporary files.

280 questions
2 answers

tmp folder in Windows like /tmp in Linux

I have created a folder in Windows, C:\tmp\ and I want it to behave like /tmp/ folder in Linux, i.e. its contents are removed every time the system is booted. I think the commands to run could be (at least on windows 7): RD C:\tmp /S /Q MKDIR…
Diego Herranz
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1 answer

FFMPEG cannot read files in /tmp/ on Heroku

I created a nodejs application hosted on heroku which uses imagemagick. I am doing this operation: require('child_process').exec(`convert -quiet -delay 1 output.avi ${gif}`); This should convert output.avi (which is present) to a gif file. In this…
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1 answer

How to use Node tmp Package to write a file from the buffer

I need to write a file temporarily to the file system in order to run a quick check on it, and I then want it deleted. Based on my Googling, it looks like the tmp package for NodeJS can be used: But I'm really…
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1 answer

Python Firefox Webdriver tmp files

My python application loads webpages using Selenium Webdriver for a total of 20000 pages more or less in several hours of work. My problem is that "something" is creating a lot of tmp files, filling all my hard drive. For example, this morning the…
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4 answers

Write to tmp folder

EDIT 1 This question involves the user of the MANGOPAY API. My problem is that I cannot get the API to write to the tmp folder. I have succeeded in getting the API to write to and getting the appropriate…
Eric Brotto
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2 answers

iPhone SDK Get tmp directory

How do i get the tmp directory on the iPhone or iPad? if i use NSTemporaryDirectory() to create a file it does not save to the simulator temp directory.
Aran Mulholland
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2 answers

How can I configure ImageMagick to not use any temporary files?

I'm trying to run ImageMagick without touching the filesystem: image data is read from memory/the network, and written back to a socket as a blob. However, ImageMagick continually tries to write temp files, which either fill up my test system due to…
Zac B
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5 answers

Saving session data securely in PHP

I was trying to understand how sessions work in PHP and found that session data is by default stored in the file system. In a shared hosting environment, session data can be read by PHP scripts written by any user. How can this be prevented ?
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3 answers

Is it safe to temporarily rename /tmp and then create a tmp symlink to a different location?

The situation is that this application needs more space in /tmp. Currently my tmp folder is in root's partition. Is it safe to temporarily create a tmp symlink to a different partition just to take advantage of the larger space?
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6 answers

Is it possible to show a image that is in a tmp folder before upload?

I want to show the user a image before the user uploads it to the server to make sure that this image is what the user wanted to upload. I have tryed to do this with $_FILES['name']['tmp_name'] and put this in a tag but nothing happens.
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2 answers

What is the proper place to put named pipes on Linux?

I've got a few processes that talk to each other through named pipes. Currently, I'm creating all my pipes locally, and keeping the applications in the same working directory. At some point, it's assumed that these programs can (and will) be run…
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2 answers

tmp directory is too big in iOS

I made an app which is 40M (very big for me). But the real surprise is that I found the tmp directory is 300M! And I don't have saved any files in the document yet! All the files' names in tmp are…
Wang Liang
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1 answer

Is it possible to stop `Rscript` cleaning up its `tempdir`?

I'm using R, via Rscript and H2O, but H2O is crashing. I want to review the logs, but the R tempdir that contains them seem to be removed when the R session ends (i.e. when the Rscript finishes). Is it possible to tell R/Rscript not to remove the…
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1 answer

Alamofire MultiPartForm files in NSTemporaryDirectory

I have not been able to find answer to my question anywhere so I figured I've ask. I am using Alamofire 3.1.5 for uploading rather large volume of pictures, we are talking in hundreds of MB. There is a code snippet: self.manager.upload(.POST,…
Tomas Sykora
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4 answers

Time complexity of finding duplicate files in bash

I had to write a Bash script to delete duplicate files today, using their md5 hashes. I stored those hashes as files in a temporary directory: for i in * ; do hash=$(md5sum /tmp/msg | cut -d " " -f1) ; if [ -f /tmp/hashes/$hash ] ; then …
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