Questions tagged [titan]

Titan is a highly scalable graph database optimized for storing and querying massive-scale graphs containing billions of vertices and edges distributed across a multi-machine cluster

Titan is a highly scalable graph database optimized for storing and querying massive-scale graphs containing billions of vertices and edges distributed across a multi-machine cluster.

Titan is a transactional database that can support thousands of concurrent users.

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954 questions
1 answer

Indexing fails on enabling force index in Titan/Janus

I've written a JUnit Test to check against the generate-modern.groovy graph if marko exists. My gremlin query being "g.V().has('name','marko')"; As you can see in the generate-modern.groovy file that indexing is already applied on the name…
Abhishek Raj
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1 answer

Gremlin query to get vertices which are having edges equal to 2

consider I have around 5 vertices from v1 to v5. and having the edges between them. the structure is below. v1->v2 v1->v3 v4->v2 v2->v1 v2->v3 v3->v5 v5->v1 Now I want to write a gremlin query to display the vertices which is having outgoing edges…
Arundhathi D
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0 answers

Cassandra Titan/JanusGraph atomicity

We are planning to use combination of Cassandra and Titan/JanusGraph db as the backend for one of our projects. As part of that, I have the below requirement. Record/Vertex A and Record/Vertex B should be written onto the backend in an atomic way,…
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4 answers

Importing SNOMED CT into Neo4J

I need to import SNOMED CT ontology into a graph database, in this case Neo4J but it could be another choice eventually. However, I could not find a clear depiction of SNOMED CT underlying relational data model, in order to achieve this. Or at…
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1 answer

Reading a large graph from Titan (on HBase) into Spark

I am researching Titan (on HBase) as a candidate for a large, distributed graph database. We require both OLTP access (fast, multi-hop queries over the graph) and OLAP access (loading all - or at least a large portion - of the graph into Spark for…
Will Hardman
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2 answers

Store Gremlin graph in local DynamoDB

Instead of using AWS, I am using its local available DynamoDB database and creating a graph in the Gremlin console. My PC is using Gremlin-version=3.0.1.incubating and Titan-version=1.0.0 My question: How to save a graph in my local DynamoDB so that…
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2 answers

Titan Db ignoring index

I have a graph with a couple of indices. They're two composite indices with label restraints. (both are exactly the same just on different properties/labels). One definitely seems to work but the other doesn't. I've done the following profile() to…
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1 answer

Setup and configuration of Titan for a Spark cluster and Cassandra

There are already several questions on the aurelius mailing list as well as here on stackoverflow about specific problems with configuring Titan to get it working with Spark. But what is missing in my opinion is a high-level description of a simple…
Florian Hockmann
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1 answer

How P.test(V value) in Titan graph traversal query works?

Came across a scenario where I need to write a titan query using GraphTraversal api which has various clauses like in, contains, within etc. To form the required clauses I am utilising P.within(..), P.inside(..), P.test(..) etc. predicates.…
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2 answers

How do I select edges that have same value of attributes

Here is an example graph gremlin> v1 = graph.addVertex(id, 1, label,"cell_1") gremlin> v2 = graph.addVertex(id, 2, label,"cell_2") gremlin> v1.addEdge("test",v2,id,3,"srving_rsrp",20,"nbr_rsrp",30) gremlin>…
Alex Punnen
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1 answer

How to find all vertices that have no incoming edges in TinkerPop 3?

How would write a traversal in use Gremlin TinkerPop 3 to find all vertices that have no incoming edges? As a follow up I also need to find a vertices that have no outgoing edges as well.
2 answers

DSE Graph - Host did not respond in a timely fashion

Gremlin console seems to connect correctly, but it replies "Host did not respond in a timely fashion" after any query. Already checked: - remote.yaml - netstat --listen | grep 8182 (returns nothing) Gremlin lines: plugin activated:…
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1 answer

Is it possible to calculate difference between tree graphs in Gremlin?

I have two graphs that are effectively trees (i.e. single root, no loops). They are minimally different: one of them has a leaf that the other doesn't. Is there a way to use Gremlin or potentially other graph query language, such as Cypher, in order…
1 answer

Gremlin-Server Add Vertex with Multiple Properties (Titan 1.0.0)

I'm creating a Titan graph (backed by Dynamodb); I'm using Titan 1.0.0 and running Gremlin-Server 3 (on TinkerPop3). I'm trying to add a vertex to my graph with a label and multiple properties in a single line. I'm able to add a vertex with a label…
2 answers

Having trouble in handling Asynchronous Transactions In TitanDB Using Scala Future

I am using Titan transaction API to handle transactions in my code. It's working fine, here is my code: Synchronous transaction: def syncTransaction()={ val transaction = titanGraph.newTransaction // doing some modification and query ,…
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