Questions tagged [tile]

Patterns of identical shapes that have no gaps. They usually represent the playfield in various games. They are also used in web development for reducing the count of images which needs to be transmitted.

Tiles are a very common element in games, used to store information in a simple tessellated format. Because tile grids can easily represent the space of the entire screen, tiles are a very common means of organizing level structure.

The utility of tiles ranges from the layout of ground to hard restrictions on the movement of in-game entities. It may apply to only parts of the game such as over world movement, or it could represent the entirety of all meaningful interactions in the game.

In web development they are commonly used to reduce the amount of data which needs to be transfer. They are also used for implementing a fast hover effect, where just the view port is moved to display another state.

896 questions
2 answers

Alternatives for Numericbox in Windows 8 apps?

I am trying to find a good alternative to Numericbox in a windows 8 tile application. I tried using the same numericbox that exists for windows forms but got an error saying these are not supported(?) by windows 8 applications. I noticed that the…
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1 answer

Google Maps API V3 - Custom Tiles

I am currently working on Google Maps API V3 over here If you zoom between 21 to 23, there will be an image overlay on the map. The image takes too long to load and I have decided to break it into different tiles for easier loading. I am using…
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T-SQL: A better sliding distribution function/query

I need a T-SQL ranking approach similar to the one provided by NTILE(), except that the members of each tile would be on a sliding distribution so that higher ranking tiles have fewer members. For example CREATE TABLE #Rank_Table( id int…
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2 answers

Converting longitude latitude to tile coordinates

I want to get a map tile from a server by typing in the longitude and latitude. Since map tiles are arranged like a grid, i need to convert my longitude and latitude to an x and y position. The algorithm is explained here:…
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Trying to make an isometric grid programmatically using Swift

The only reason I'm attempting this programmatically is so I can access the locations of each tile, making it possible to manipulate the grid. I've looked at about 15 different tutorials using other programming languages, but even with that…
3 answers

Implementing fluid JS tile interface

I'm building a photography website, and I want to create a nice "tiled" interface, which will look similar to the interface on new version MSN Money Now (note - the new version of the website can be viewed only on Windows 8 PCs) -…
Martin Zikmund
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What is tile server in OSM maps

My application completely on maps which show pins and route information and distance between two pins. For this i am trying to do using OSM maps instead of Google Maps because google maps had certain limitations if user are increased.So my client…
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3 answers

Android App Background: using multiple images

I have a background image that's split into three separate images: backgroundTop.png backgroundMiddle.png backgroundBottom.png How would I go about implementing a background in an Android app in which the top image is displayed at the top of the…
Petteri Pertola
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1 answer

Issues with rendering a large tiled map in WPF

What is the best way to manage a very large amount of images (10,000+) in WPF? This is for a 2d tile map editor similar to this : . At the moment i have a canvas with all tiles as an image and a list box which contains the…
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3 answers

android mapview custom tile

I need to add a custom base layer to to my map view. My understanding is that the map tiles are exactly the same as the google tiles. They are static files served up in the following format: http:///tilecache///.png For example, the…
Bryan Kemp
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Tileset for HTML5 canvas game

I'm trying to make a game in HTML5 canvas, but instead of uploading a ton of images I want to just upload one image that has all of the tiles on it. The problem is, I don't know how to make only one part of the image show up. Basically I want to do…
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1 answer

Create an empty tiled raster table in PostGIS

I am new to postgres/postgis and am trying to figure out how to make an empty tiled raster with postgis. I would like to generate an empty raster containing 5000 X 2000 cells, which I would like to query later to find a specific cell at location…
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Tile a Bitmap on SurfaceView Canvas

I am having trouble tiling a Bitmap. I want to have the Bitmap drawn to coordinates defined in a 2D Array. I would like to be able to draw let's say "grass" to certain coordinates, and "water,etc.." to other coordinates. I have spent days trying to…
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1 answer

Reading JSON Tiled map editor file and displaying to canvas

Im following this this tutorial to be able to load json map files created by tiled map editor in my javascript/canvas game. ive got to the point where i have implemented my own kind of version, and am getting no errors in firebug in console or net…
Tom Burman
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4 answers

Unity3D: Strange 1 pix white line between tiles on my 2D game

My game have a tiled 2d map. This is a scene screenshot: I found when I move the camera vertically, there are strange white lines randomly appeared between randomly tiles, See: I don't know why.... PS: This is a pixel style 2d game, so my…
Zephyr Zhang
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