Questions tagged [tform]

TForm is a Delphi VCL class encapsulating a standard application window.

66 questions
2 answers

How to discover owner from object in Delphi?

I would like to create a procedure that returns me the name of the form where the object is allocated. For example: I have a TPanel and within TPanel one TButton. I'll pass as a parameter to the function name of TButton and want the function to…
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1 answer

Animation with VCL Component (WM_PAINT)

The problem is OpenGL animation stops while any mouse button is clicked on the TForm component (border, caption ..). As soon as the mouse button released the animation goes on. // Drawing Scene void TMainForm::DrawGLScene() { …
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2 answers

Override default Show behaviour / SetVisible of TForm's descendant (Delphi VCL)

I would like to alter the Show default behaviour of a TForm's descendant (for eg. instead of showing itself on the screen, I would like to place it on a page control as a new tabsheet). How to achive that ? I'd like to show it using a standard…
Hasan S
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3 answers

Registering a form in Object Repository (automated, by code or any other means)

I was doing some customization to my forms, since I want them with some published properties appear on Object Inspector. I've done the simple way: create the form, put it on object repository, created a package to register it with…
Fabricio Araujo
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1 answer

Get form Titlebar color from Delphi

My question is simple, but I can't find any information about it. I need to detect, from Delphi, some information about the TitleBar; for example which is the height and particularly which is its color? I think there is some windows API, but I've…
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3 answers

OnShown event for TForm?

At program start, in the OnActivate event handler, I need to do something which blocks the program for a few seconds. During this time the form's client area is still not completely painted, which looks ugly for the user. (During this blocked time I…
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