Questions tagged [temporal]

232 questions
1 answer

Can not write a field name, expecting a value

When we switched from Jackson version 2.8.9 to 2.9.8 we ran into some trouble with serializing data in CBOR format. As it turns out the custom Jackson module we've been using is causing trouble in this newer version. These issues start at version…
Sander Koenders
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So I can't have NOT NULL in column definition of temporal tables?

I am using SQL Server 2016 and trying to create Temporal table. Here is the definition: USE zbachoreTest GO`enter code here` IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.tables WHERE name = 'People' AND temporal_type_desc ='SYSTEM_VERSIONED_TEMPORAL_TABLE' ) ALTER…
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Is it possible to create a temporal table in SQL Server 2016 using Entity Framework code-first technique?

I have a requirement to create a temporal table using Entity Framework code-first. For that I searched so many links but I didn't find any information from those links. Is it possible to create a temporal tables using Entity Framework code-first…
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Representing temporal constraints in SMT-LIB

I'm trying to represent temporal constraints in SMT-LIB in order to check their satisfiability. I'm looking for feedback on the direction I'm taking. I'm relatively new to SMT-LIB and I'll highly appreciate inputs. The constraints that I have are…
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Best practice for SCD date pairs (closing / opening timestamps)

When implementing temporal datetime pairs, which is the better approach? Approach 1 _RK FROM_DTTM TO_DTTM 1 01-JAN-2012 00:00:00 31-DEC-2012 23:59:59 ------------> Old record closed out 1 01-JAN-2013 00:00:00 31-DEC-4949…
Allan Bowe
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Constraints on bitemporal database

Background: I'm designing a bitemporal database, where we have 1:N relations between bitemporal tables (we also have M:N relations, but they're just modeled with a connector table and two 1:N relations, so I consider them a special case of an 1:N…
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0 answers

Generate different possible counterexamples in NuSMV

I wish to know if there is a way to generate different possible counterexamples for a given LTL formula in NuSMV. If we need to generate counterexample for an LTL formula, it generates one for us. But the one generated by NuSMV may not be the most…
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2 answers

How can I plot subsets of temporal data?

I have input data, and subset it in order to look at only rows with an entry of 4 or 5 in a column called CODE. Next, I subsetted this data in order to be able to look at a particular species. Then, I made sure entries in the DATE column were read…
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1 answer

Backfill a temporal table

Last year I was using my own hand rolled 'temporal' tables. So in Jan 2017 I did my raw data import and performed inserts, updates, deletes. Feb 2017 I did the same using the Feb raw data files. I did this for all month ends up to and including Dec…
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2 answers

Explicitly Set ValidFrom in Temporal Table

I'm trying to set the ValidFrom range for the current record in a temporal table. I'm doing this because I'm rebuilding history from another system (non SQL) into a data warehouse so the current version of records may be "as of" a date that's in…
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1 answer

What's different about Database as a Value in Datomic vs BiTemporal Indexes in Cassandra?

The Datomic database has the concept of 'Database as a Value'. This means that you can get a reference to the database at a point in time - and query against it. It appears that BiTemporal Indexes in Cassandra do almost the same thing. My question…
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2 answers

Renaming columns in a system versioned table Visual Studio SQL Project

I'm looking to have Visual Studio's SQL Schema Compare generate the delta SQL to update a production database, including a column rename on a table with system versioning on (temporal table). Using refactoring within Visual Studio SQL Project will…
2 answers

SQL temporal table: It is possible to change logging time from UTC to current time?

I like temporal tables in SQL Server 2016 and I want to use this in a new project. Unfortunately, it seems that sql is logging UTC time in history table, not the current time. It is possible to change this ? To see what I mean, please run the…
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1 answer

Possible BUG with BACPAC import and temporal tables

I' using the latest version of SQL Server 2016 Developer edition and SSMS (13.0.15600.2). There is a possible bug in importing Data tier Application (bacpac) that contain any temporal tables and any object (function. view) that references them with…
2 answers

Implementing a "generic" mechanism to handle temporal data in Entity Framework

I'm trying to accomplish a "generic" mechanism for updating temporal data in my SQL Server database, using Entity Framework. What I did is create a "marker" interface called ITemporalData that defines two properties that need to be present -…
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