Questions tagged [system]

System may refer to a set of interdependent components; Low level infrastructure like the operating system (from a high language point of view) or an object or function for accessing the previous

The system tag is used for referring to the operating system, or functions thereof, when accessed from a higher-level language.

Many high-level languages offer access to the features of the system by an object or function called system itself. Questions regarding these objects might as well be tagged with this tag.

In normal English, a system is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole or a set of elements (often called 'components' ) and relationships which are different from relationships of the set or its elements to other elements or sets.

4426 questions
4 answers

Is System.Threading.Tasks available in Visual Studio 2010 Express?

Recently i start to learn about parallel programming. In that i like to apply parallel for so i need System.Threading.Tasks namespace. Now i am using Visual Studio 2010 Express edition. Is this option available in that edition?I tried in this…
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LD_BIND_NOW Can Make the Executable run Slower?

I am curious if an executable is poorly written that it has much dead code, referring to 1000s of functions externally (i.e. .so files) but only 100s of those functions are actually called during runtime, will LD_BIND_NOW=1 be worse than LD_BIND_NOW…
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4 answers

Can I globally redirect the output of system() calls?

I have a program that executes various shell commands via system() and occasionally prints to cout. I want to redirect all output coming from system() calls to a log file so they don't clutter up the normal output. Can I do this without having to…
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Make Java program kill itself if a specific external program launches

The title basically says it all but just but to reiterate: I need my Java program to kill itself (dispose w/e) if a specific external program launches. My java program uses a global hook that listens for mouse input, when I remote into a clients…
1 answer

Which lines are necessary to use espeak in our C/C++ program?

I found this code on the internet: #include #include #include espeak_POSITION_TYPE position_type; espeak_AUDIO_OUTPUT output; char *path=NULL; int Buflength = 1000, Options=0; void*…
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2 answers

Where's the best place to transform snake-case api responses to javascript's camelcase properties

I have a django API which describes resources using snake_cased json. I also have a React app which consumes the API. I could map the snakecased properties in different locations, ex, in the API renderer, or at the component level. Is there a best…
Sua Morales
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How to user PackageInstaller.SessionParams setGrantedRuntimePermissions method?

I'm building a system app (but not a signature app) to run as root in "kiosk mode". This app should install/uninstall third party apk's on runtime, according to the demand. I need to install the third party app and immediately grant runtime…
while true
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0 answers

c++ system background MPI process only prints output at end?

If I launch a background process that uses MPI as follows: system("start \"\" cmd /k \"cd && mpiexec -n 1 &\""); it works fine, but the entire output is shown in the command prompt at the end of the program. I would like to see the…
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1 answer

Using system() in C with an agument

I wish to write a program that uses system() and compress a folder. The folder name is given via command-line. This is what I have: #include #include int main(int argc, char** argv){ int i; char buf[64] char string[]="tar…
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1 answer

Why does ruby’s `system` not `shellescape` the first argument?

When referenced in a shell, directory names with parenthesis such as: /tmp/(example) need to be escaped like: /tmp/\(example\) When I reference them in a system call in ruby, I have to escape them or not depending on whether they are the first…
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3 answers

Confusing in fork( ) system call

I have created a parent and a child process using fork( ), and both share a memory address called "ptr". But i am confused due to the one output of a program: 1) Address of ptr: 123456 NOTE: Same address for both parent and child, so expected is if…
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0 answers

How do I find the address of a jump instruction?

I have a 26bit field in a jump instruction, which is 0x0100080 If the top bit of the program counter are 0000, the jump instruction refers to 0x00400200. Which address would jump instruction refer to if top four bits of PC+4 are 1111?
1 answer

How do I get the current drive letter in WIndows 7 CMD?

In Windows 7 the DOS variable %cd% returns the current drive. However when BAT file is started with admin rights (Run as administrator), then %cd% returns "C:\Windows\System32" instead of the current drive. Please, help.
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1 answer

Why doesn't my bootloader load my kernel

I wrote a bootloader and a kernel and want my bootloader to load my kernel [org 0x7c00] jmp start ;%include "" start: xor ax, ax mov ds, ax ;call init_console ;call clrscr ;mov si,…
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2 answers

function from linux shell script not execute in c program

I have seen similar posts in stackoverflow and other sites but I cannot find solution to my problem. I have the following file: #!/bin/sh #this way works in c: #echo "Hello World!" #but in function does not work: a(){ echo "Hello…
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