Questions tagged [system-clock]

109 questions
1 answer

External Crystal Connection

Hello I am developing a evaluation board for STM32F427. I am connecting an external RTC IC (DS3231). Do i need to connect an other external oscillator for processor? Because in STM32F407 discovery board they have connected an external 8MHz crystal…
2 answers

How to manually change linux system time?

I have Mint Linux running in a VM. I tried through the GUI to set the date to an earlier date so I could try to mimic a database issue that occurred on production on that date. I tried to use the date command. Both times, within a few seconds the…
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Visual Clock: New to Processing

Back again with my visual clock. I need a bit of guidance. I am trying to make a "clock" graph that counts down the time (in hours) until event times that a user inputs, such as until they eat dinner, sleep etc. In my sketch, "now" is the dark grey…
0 answers

Instanced Clocks in C++11

The new clocks in the std namespace all appear to be statically instantiated. high_resolution_clock is not a class of clocks with high resolution, but rather the system-wide high resolution clock, with static methods such as now. I understand why…
Cort Ammon
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Is it possible to build a pure internal NTP system?

I have four machines running Ubuntu 14.04, one is a software router and the others connect to it. I installed NTP on each of them. What I want is to synchronize clocks among these four machines, with the router acting as the NTP server and the other…
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C: Why CLOCKS_PER_SEC is printing 1000 when my processor speed is 3.10GHz

My PC configuration is Intel Core i3-2100 CPU @3.10GHz Windows7 64 bit But when I'm executing below code why it's printing 1000? #include #include #include main() { printf("Clock %d",CLOCKS_PER_SEC); getch(); } The…
Anurag Chakraborty
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How to code Java Thread.sleep() in Windows with coarse timer resolution

I have an application that uses Thread.sleep(msUntilActionNeeded);. The variable is set to the number of ms until I want the program to begin an operation which coincides with the time of day, so it is not critical. Even being off by 5000ms would…
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Android synchronize clock programmatically

I'm developing an application that: 1. Runs in close network (no internet access). 2. All target devices have root permission. I need to synchronized the device clock with my server clock each hour. I found that I can't change default ntp…
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Need to create a batch script countdown timer synchronised to the system clock

I would like to create a batch file countdown timer (needs to be batch script due to restrictions in place). I've used two scripts so far that 'kind of' do the job, but have their own downsides. The criteria is as follows: 1. Needs to show system…
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How to change the system clock rate or OS clock rate?

I want to know is there any way to change Windows or Linux clock rate or the system clock rate (maybe via BIOS)? I mean accelerate or decelerate system clock! For example every 24 hours in the computer lasts 12 hours or 36 hours in real!!! NOTE…
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How can I make the c++ chrono steady_clock stop returning system_clock times?

I was writing a class that dealt with optional time constraints for certain methods, and so it takes classes from the std::chrono namespace to specify how to define the times. I was trying to test this method that is supposed to expire once it…
2 answers

My quiz app does not give proper result and goes to final result

I am creating a quiz app ,which does the matching of telugu to english ,my aim is to have the ten questions which will display the each question for 6 seconds and move on next question.But my app waits for entire 60 seconds ,and displays just A-> to…
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std::chrono, adding duration to time_point

I am trying to add some duration to a time_point in Qt (C++11/MinGW) and I am having trouble: Initialization (when the program starts): auto program_start_time = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); auto offline_time =…
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virtual clock speed throttling on linux

Throttling at will the execution and display speed of a particular process, for example, a game, a flash game, or an OpenGL game. I want to be able to slow it down to 20% or 0.5%. This is simply not possible on host space in linux. But linux…
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Any ways to park a Thread based on a free-running,system-clock-independent clock?

To make the current thread to park for a specified timeout,i can use: LockSupport.parkNanos(long nanos); or Thread.sleep(long millis);//internally same as Object.wait(long) i guess. Unfortunatly,the internal ticking of this two method are all base…
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