Questions tagged [symfony-1.4]

Questions about Symfony version 1.4, a PHP framework by Sensio Labs.

Symfony is a PHP Web Development Framework developed and maintained by Sensio Labs.

The symfony 1.4 version is the last Long Term Support release for the symfony 1.x branch and it is maintained until November 2012.

You will find more information about documentation, detailed installation guide and changelog on the official website.

This tag is specific for the 1.4 version of Symfony. See the tag for Symfony 1.x in general. If your question targets Symfony 2.x, use instead.

Symfony 1.4 is released under the MIT license.

2431 questions
4 answers

Using routes to generate URLs in a Symfony task

I am running Symfony 1.3.6 on Ubuntu 10.0.4 LTS. I have written a Symfony task that generates a report which contains links (URLs). Here is a snippet of the execute() method in my task class: protected function execute($arguments = array(),…
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2 answers

How to "order by" a sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice in the Admin Generator

I'm using Symfony 1.4 and Doctrine. Let's say I have 2 classes : a Brand and a Product. When I create a new product in the Admin Generator based admin, I'd like to choose a brand from a dropdown list. The Admin Generator is doing that for me,…
Guillaume Flandre
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3 answers

Symfony - Is it possible to disable output escaping per module (or per template)?

I'm trying to output some HTML in an XML template and Symfony's escaping method is messing it up. So I tried making a copy of settings.yml in the module's config folder, but it seems to be completely ignored. Is there an easy way to change the…
Steven Mercatante
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2 answers

Symfony produces a white page

I Have tried to integrate a symfony project on my server but it produces a blank page does not produce any errors even if i on the error display in php. After i include configuration file in index.php nothing works, even the die in the first line of…
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1 answer

Bad search filter on LDAP when trying to get user data

I am fresh out of the box here with LDAP, so let me know if I am doing this in the completely wrong fashion. I am working with Symfony 1.4 using the bhLDAPAuthPlugin plugin I am verifying user login with LDAP. However, there is more data in the…
Carey Estes
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4 answers

In Symfony, how can I use the url_for helper in a class?

I am building a URL inside of a class and I'd like to be able to change the routing if necessary later by just changing the routing.yml file. If I have the route: userSignup: url: /user/signup param: { module: user, action: signup } How can I…
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1 answer

Symfony include partial from custom folder

Form example: $jobs)) ?> I have module job and partial _list.php in module folder templates. Is it possible create in templates folder partials and in include all partials from that folder? If it…
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1 answer

Symfony 2 Proxy to iteratively replace Symfony 1.4 project

We're currently sitting on a Symfony 1.4 implementation of our system. The system is too big to re-develop in Symfony 2 and to an over-night-switchover - the re-dev will take us probably a year. What we are thinking of doing, is to install a new…
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2 answers

Symfony action name in template

How can I get the action name inside a template? The template is actually a partial.
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1 answer

Using Symfony 1.4 sfGuardUser tables with Symfony 2 SecurityBundle?

I am trying to migrate a part of a software system to Symfony 2. I can't possible migrate all of them at once, so, I am looking for a way to use sf_guard_ tables for authentication/authorization in Symfony 2. Is this possible? I have done this so…
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2 answers

Setting up Doctrine_Collection key mapping attribute in schema.yml

In Doctrine 1.2, it is possible to set up Key Mapping for a table where Doctrine_Collection objects created by that table will populate keys from a particular column in each record in the collection. An example from the documentation linked…
1 answer

How to get previous page route in Symfony?

I am looking for way to do this in 'right' symfony way.
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3 answers

Symfony: pass parameter between actions (with a redirect)

I am redirecting from one action (executeProcess) to another (executeIndex). I want to be able to pass a parameter/variable along, without using GET (e.g. $this->redirect('index', array('example'=>'true'))) Is there a way I can directly pass…
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3 answers

symfony: setHttpHeader() doesn't work, header() does

I built a simple action in symfony which generates a PDF-file via wkhtmltopdf and outputs it to the browser. Here's the code: $response = $this->getResponse(); $response->setContentType('application/pdf'); …
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3 answers

How to control which connection is selected from the database.yml in a symfony1.4 task

(See my edit below for a better question) How do I control which connection is selected (from the right environment section in the database.yml) in a symfony1.4 task using just a generic Doctrine_Query::create() to create the query? I'm using a…
Tommy Bravo
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