Questions tagged [sylius]

Sylius is a open sourced PHP ecommerce solution based on Symfony and developed by community and the Lakion company.

Sylius is an Open Source E-Commerce framework for PHP, based on the Symfony framework.

665 questions
1 answer

Duplicate name "app" passed to addEntry(): entries must be unique

Hello I try to install sylius BootstrapTheme for my project and I have little problem when i try to install this. If need more code or code of other files for find the problem talk me /themes/BootstrapTheme/webpack.config.js const Encore =…
Den Kot
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1 answer

Twig_Environment::addExtension() error after Symfony / Sylius Update

after update from sylius 1.0.1 to 1.2.9 and composer update i get the following error: FatalThrowableError HTTP 500 Internal Server Error Type error: Argument 1 passed to Twig_Environment::addExtension() must implement interface…
M. F
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1 answer

How to override any fields in the model in Symfony

Currently, I'm working on Sylius framework. I need to override a few fields from Base models. It can be like changing field type, or changing field length, add null/not null/unique condition etc. How can we override this without touching core files…
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1 answer

Make Sylius catalog only

Who has experience Sylius before? Is possible to close front end purchase module to make Sylius become like catalog only? That mean user only can preview product's detail but unable to make purchase. Sorry for my English.
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1 answer

Customer Image Profile

Is there an easy way to handle user profile image? I tried with VichUploaderBundle without success.
1 answer

Sylius/Symfony3 You have requested a non-existent service

Anyone have any expertise trouble-shooting Symfony 3 and Sylius? I created a new entity, I followed the instructions step by step from the documentation here When I run: php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force it successfully creates a…
1 answer

Customizing models in Sylius. Doctrine Error: Property "translations" in "AppBundle\Entity\Product" was already declared

I'm trying to customize the Product Model in Sylius based on this documentation page: Sylius Customization Guide: Customizing Models. In AppBundle I created my own class Product: namespace AppBundle\Entity; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; use…
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1 answer

How use Facebook and google+ login in sylius alpha version? can anyone provide simple guide for it?

Can anyone provide me a simplest guide for Facebook and google+ Login or connect for Sylius base project? Thanks
1 answer

Composer update to last commit - Sylius example

I installed Sylius with composer using following commands: $ wget $ composer.phar create-project sylius/sylius -s dev $ cd sylius $ app/console sylius:install I made some work on application and found that…
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Sylius Setup with PHP8: How can I setup a new project with the sylius-standard edition using the latest Sylius Core?

I have tried to setup Sylius with the following guide: and with PHP 8.x. But the following command fails: composer create-project sylius/sylius-standard…
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1 answer

How to use webpack encore with sylius?

Here is my problem, I am trying to create an e-commerce with the sylius framework which itself is based on symfony. In the documentation, it says that the best way to download assets and therefore personalize your store is to use webpack encore. So…
2 answers

Sylius customizing model dose not working

It's my class file Country.php
1 answer

How to override default login redirection route in Sylius

After I login my Sylius app (site login, not admin login), I am redirected to /shop (It is the path to the SyliusShopBundle, defined in my app/config/routing.yml) Is it possible to override the login redirection to be redirected to / (where I have…
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1 answer

Newsletter bundle for Sylius (Symfony3)?

I was wondering if there was any newsletter bundle existing to add to a Sylius (Symfony3) app ? I searched on the net, but only found Symfony2 bundles. Thanks for your help !
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1 answer

Default variant options on Sylius product show page

I am using Sylius eCommerce framework. I want to preselect product options for provided route parameters. I created a custom route for the product show page. An additional parameter of the route should result in another pre-selection (default value)…
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