Questions tagged [sweetalert]

SweetAlert is a JavaScript library that provides a replacement for standard alert() dialogue.

SweetAlert is a JavaScript library that provides a replacement for the standard alert() dialogue that allows styling and customization. Indeed, it also may be regarded as a replacement for confirm() and prompt().

Documentation :

Similar Libraries:

935 questions
1 answer

Get information with Sweetalert

My question is if is there a way to use sweet alert to get a text like in window.prompt FOR EXAMPLE: var name =window.prompt("Write your name",""); ¿Can i do that with sweetalert ?*
1 answer

Javascript to trigger an alert message on a form

I have a PHP page with a form:
Then I want to trigger an alert on…
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2 answers

How to use confirm (then submit) using sweet alert2?

I have a button where when user press, it shows yes or cancel if yes is pressed it redirects user to a url here is the code i am using if (result.error == 2) { if (confirm(result.message)) { location.href = '/user.php?act=add_booking&id=' +…
John Snow
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3 answers

Unable to import in android studio

I am new to android studio. I know how to work in eclipse. I downloaded the sweet alert library for Android from here. But I am unable to import it because of lack of experience in android studio. Can anyone guide me to import it step by step? I…
1 answer

sweetalert2 is not working fine

I'm using rails 5, Now trying to use SweetAlert2 for data confirmation prompt, SweetAlert2 prompt is appearing but not deleting the data and showing warning in console like this SweetAlert2: Unknown parameter "method" is this an issue or anything…
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