Questions tagged [sweetalert2]

A responsive, customizable, accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes with zero dependencies. Use this tag for questions that involve using this library.

A JavaScript library for generating popup windows. It can be combined with jQuery and it returns promises.

SweetAlert2 page

SweetAlert2 CDN

Stack Overflow Quick Start Snippet


<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

  title: 'Success!',
  text: 'Swal ready',
  icon: 'success',
  confirmButtonText: 'Cool'
649 questions
3 answers

Sweet Alert: Ajax call help needed

I want to return an error message using Sweet alert going through my Laravel controller. Controller public function update(TenderRequest $request,$id) { $tender = TenderMaster::findOrFail($id); if($request->extend_date <…
Vivek kalanka
  • 43
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1 answer

Delete a file with php and sweet alert 2

i have this script, to show alla images in a folder and also i have a delete button/link under all the thumbnails. I click this delete button/link to display a Sweet alert 2 confirmation box, and if i click OK(Ja, Radera!) the unlink.php file is…
Patrik Idén
  • 355
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1 answer

Get email value from SweetAlert2 to PHP?

Good day, what's the best way to implement PHP into Javscript, I need to do some coding stuff after email is entered swal({ type: "success", title: "Congrats!", text: "Please enter your PayPal email address.", input: "email", …
  • 11
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1 answer

How to hidden the border of button in sweetalert2

The border of button appears automatically. How to close it so that it will never appear? Thanks. The button in sweetalert2
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