Questions tagged [support-v4]

37 questions
1 answer

Failed to resolve: support-v4 in android studio

I got this error after I update to android studio 3.1.3 Failed to resolve: support-v4 after try to build project in android studio. Here is my build/gradle buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() maven { url…
Sarin Suriyakoon
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Do we still need support-v4 and appcompat-v7 when we have support-design?

There is a lot of discussion about this. Some say if I have appcompat-v7 I do not need support-v4 since appcompat-v7 already has all the classes of support-v4. Also, that support-design already has all the classes from appcompat-v7 hence we do not…
2 answers

Fragment.isAdded() behaves differently in support-v4:23.4.0 than in prior versions

I noticed this issue when I upgraded my support-v4 version from 23.1.1 to 23.4.0: Basically, isAdded() is always returning false in cases where it used to return true. I have an activity (FragmentActivity) that has a ViewPager which contains…
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Android/AOSP building and support-v4 AAR etc

I am building an app to be part of the system image with AOSP, and trying to include the support-v4 etc. libraries as AARs for the app / in the app's libs/ folder. Otherwise this works fine and the application itself and the whole system image…
3 answers

Android, cannot be converted to Fragment

I wanted to program fragments for my chat but I always get the same error message. on the internet, I read that it should have to do with the "import" and the "import;" but that does not work for me. Added the packet…
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Can't Use Autosizing Textview with Support Library

I have the following text view, which is supposed to contain auto sizing text.
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Android library Correct usage of V4 Support Library Confusion

I am trying to reduce the apk size for my project and for that I am trying to remove having the entire support-v4 library dependency, but rather only adding the modules I need for my project. According to below, it seems possible to only include…
2 answers

How can I import android support library in a way where I can modify it?

I want to modify the ViewPager class itself in Android Studio. I currently have the support-v4 library as a library dependency, but I know that Android Studio does not allow to directly edit external libraries. Attempt 1: I tried copy-pasting…
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the v24 AsyncLayoutInflater is inflating on the ui thread

"With recent release of Android Support Library, revision 24 Google developers baked into v4 library a new helper class for asynchronous inflation of layouts" This is my code: Timber.e("Timeinflationstarts"); AsyncLayoutInflater…
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json schema validation using patternProprties with tv4

I have a json like: {"post": {"someKey": {"anotherKey":"anotherValue"}}} and where the first key is a valid http method and can be either of - post, get etc all valid http method at runtime. Here is my schema var schema = { "type": "object", …
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Android Google Sign-In with androidx gives Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/v4/util/ArraySet Error

I am integrating Google sign-in with my app along with androidx. Hence I had to exclude support library from implementation ''. Crash with the following error log. E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION:…
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Is it required to include support-v4 in gradle if already have support-design?

Is it required to include support-v4 and appcompat-v7 in gradle if already including support-design? I see that when including support-design support-v4 and appcompat-v7 is already part of my external libraries even when they are not in the gradle. …
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Can I use support-v4 of a higher version for google play-services-basement-11.6.2?

Hey guys I am trying to manually upgrade the Google Play Services to the latest version 11.6.2 in my Unity project so I have to download the individual .aar files from google's latest Maven Repository. Looking at the .pom for…
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Firebase API initialization is failing on startup

On app startup, the following is being printed to the console: Firebase API initialization failure. java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native…
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Error on integrating firebase cloud messaging

Actually I am a cordova developer, and I need to integrate the LVL into app. So I import some java library and now it works perfect. But after import the firebase through Tools->Firebase menu some library automatically added under dependencies…