Questions tagged [sublime-anaconda]

The Anaconda plugin for Sublime Text 3 (completely unrelated to the Anaconda Python distribution) provides many IDE-like features for programming in Python. Features include intelligent autocompletion, function signature and documentation tooltips, linting, autoformatting, and more.

The Anaconda plugin for Sublime Text 3 (completely unrelated to the Python distribution) provides many IDE-like features for programming in . Features include intelligent autocompletion, function signature and documentation tooltips, linting with pylint, pep8, pep257, and pyflakes, autoformatting, McCabe complexity checking, import validation, testing integration, full support for virtual environments, and project-specific build systems.

66 questions
2 answers

Sublime Text 3 plugin, Anaconda, doesn't work

I've installed anaconda plugin using package control in sublime text 3, I've python 33 and anaconda installed separately and their path has been added to the PATH variable in MS Windows 7 (if matters). every plugin works fine except anaconda plugin…
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How to disable rectangular boxes in Sublime Text?

I am unable to get rid of these rectangular boxes, I guess they started appearing after I set Anaconda as my build Package.
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Sublime Text + Anaconda not indenting Python code correctly

Running: Sublime Text 3.2.2 Python 3.8.2 Anaconda's autoformat feature reindents the code below as follows: counter = 0 def print_this(): print("Hello World.") return def main(counter): if counter < 10: …
1 answer

Kernel Error in Anaconda Python Jupyter Notebook

I have started learning python and in the initial stage i am not be able to execute any code on python. While searching over the google, i found that it occurs due to kernel error and same is reflecting on the top and trust box is disabled. I have…
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Not Able to Launch jupyter from Anaconda 2019.03

I am working on Win10, 64bit. I have installed "Anaconda3-2019.03-Windows-x86_64". When I am going to launch Jupyter from Anaconda,the following error occurs: Traceback (most recent call last): File…
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Sublime text 3 and anaconda, python wrong path

I'm new to python and sublime. I downloaded anaconda3-5.2, the full version with python3.6, and sublime text 3 on my 64bit machine windows 10. When i start my sublime text 3 i imediately get the Error: I really don't know how to solve this. It…
Jeroen F
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How to set a relative path to a python interpreter in sublime's Anaconda IDE

I use a portable install of SublimeText on a USB drive with the Anaconda plugin installed for python work. This tells me how to change which python interpreter to use. My issue is that I want to carry a version of python with me on the same USB…
1 answer

Using Anaconda python directory in Atom IDE

I have installed Anaconda on my Windows 10 system. Now I want to use python in newly installed Atom IDE. Atom cannot find python directory as it's not added to the environment variable path. I installed python 3.6 separately and added it to path…
1 answer

Autoinsertion of parenthesis for callables

I have grown keen on Sublime Text 3. But one feature I painfully miss is the automatic insertion of parenthesis upon choosing a callable from the autocomplete/hint box. Sublime/Anaconda give me print but not print (). Ideally the caret would be…
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how to create a new interlaced image to two picture with python opencv and anaconda

I would like to create a new interlaced image where the odd rows belong to one image and the even rows to the other image. I am trying to do that with python and openCv and numpy! Reading the one images and with a loop i try to write the values in…
0 answers

How to have Anaconda autocomplete Django?

I am trying to switch from PyCharm to ST3 but I can't get the Anaconda plugin to autocomplete Django stuff. For example, within a model: content = models.TextField(blank=True, default='') Anaconda can't autocomplete this. When I type models.Tex, it…
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How can I disable the error popup showed in Anaconda plugin for SublimeText?

When I running a test or a file and it has an error, AnacondaST3 shows this error popup: But it's annoying because I have to close it with the mouse. How can I disable this red popup?
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Sublime Text Anaconda Invalid Syntax

I'm getting an Invalid Syntax Error at line 4 using @ operator: from numpy import array a = array([1, 2, 3, 4]) b = array([5, 6, 7, 8]) c = a @ b But the code works. How do I fix/ignore this error settings?
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How to set up sublime-anaconda's python_interpreter for multiple platforms?

I'm setting up Anaconda for Sublime Text 3. In my Anaconda interpreter settings, I wish to specify one Python interpreter per operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). Can this be done and if so, how? From the documentation on interpreter…
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1 answer

Anaconda ignoring "extra_paths" in Sublime Text settings

I'm trying to configure Sublime Text 3 to act as my IDE for Python development, and while I've read the documentation, I'm still having problems importing extra libraries using the Anaconda.sublime-settings file. From what I've read, it should be as…