Questions tagged [strikethrough]

Strikethrough (or strikeout) is a typographic text decoration used to indicate cancelled words or sentences. A strikethrough consists of a horizontal line crossing text through the center.

183 questions
3 answers

How to detect "strikethrough" style from xlsx file in R

I have to check the data which contain "strikethrough" format when importing excel file in R Do we have any method to detect them ? Welcome for both R and Python approach
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Why Html.fromHtml() is not not working for or or tag

Basically I'm trying to show the strikeThrough text on the textView from html text . I've tried all other tags like bold , italic etc they're shown perfectly without any problem but when I'm trying to show the or or tag text it's…
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CSS Strikethrough price with space

I am using woocommerce and want to display the original prices as a price tag with a strikethrough (when products are on sale). The problem is now that woocommerce adds a space between the currency and the price amount, which I cannot change. When…
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Failing to create a strikethrough on part of the text

I am trying to create a strikethrough effect on part of a UILabel text, so fat without success. I have noticed that I can create this effect on ALL the text, but not just part of it. Here's what I have let text = "\(20.4$) \(On Rush Hour)" let…
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1 answer

How to make text strikethough in Sphinx

Is it possible to make text strikethrough in the Sphinx documentation generator?
David Miller
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Perl (or Python) and Excel is there a way to determine font types used in multi-line text in a cell?

I have data coming as an Excel files where some cells contain strings that contain previous version of data represented as strikethrough characters. I know how to use Perl and OLE to parse/manipulate Excel files but I only seen text formatting being…
Tom N
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1 answer

Java- Striking through item in ListView javafx?

I want to strikethrough text in my listview. I tried the following codes but it's not working. Any help is appreciated. Thank you. .list-cell { -fx-text-fill: red; -fx-strikethrough: true; }
Lim Ting
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2 answers

Openpyxl: Determining which character in a cell value is strikethrough

I'll first mention that I'm using Python 2.7 and Openpyxl 2.4.1 Essentially I have a sheet in a workbook that I'm cleaning. I'm going through each cell and checking if there is Strikethrough text. Assume I'm looking in Column A: for i in range(1,…
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reading strikeThrough values from excel cell in php

While Reading Excel file in php using PHPExcel Library, i can read the font value of a cell whether it is strike through or not using below code foreach($sheetData[$row] as…
2 answers

Strike through substring of text in Android widget

I have a text view in my android widget and I need to strike through only certain lines of text. I found this in another SO question to strike through text in a widget: RemoteViews views = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(),…
Mikkel Bang
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2 answers

GridView Style based on bound data

I would like the rows of my GridView to have strikethrough based on a bound data value called IsObsolete. I tried to do this: ' /> But obviously this doesn't parse. I'd rather…
Matthew Jones
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1 answer

Android StrikeThrough span not working on spaces

Better I put my question as an example I have the word FREE in a textview I apply a strikethrough(EXC, EXC) span to the word FREE so I get FREE Then I insert spaces between the letters and here comes the problem, because I get F R E E but I want F…
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How to strike out the texts in Paragraph?

I am developing an app for Windows 8.1 The App parses HTML codes, and displays the contents on RichTextBlock. Anyway, I'm trying to display some texts with 'StrikeThrough' line. like shown below. I searched through the web, but I just found that…
3 answers

create different color strike through

I am trying to create textview with text color as black and strikthrough as red, I tried to use html but does not seems to work String styledText = "TEXT"; …
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3 answers

Strikethrough text in Adobe Flex 4

How to make strikethrough text in Adobe Flex 4? I mean using native flex framework features: styles, libraries, classes. I use RichText component. Please, do not answer: draw line make it underlined and change baseline
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