Questions tagged [stm32cubeide]

STM32CubeIDE is an all-in-one multi-OS development tool, which is part of the STM32Cube software ecosystem. STM32CubeIDE is an advanced C/C++ development platform with peripheral configuration, code generation, code compilation, and debug features for STM32 microcontrollers and microprocessors.

104 questions
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Why clearing MOE in TIM1->BDTR in PWM mode stops triggering ADC1 IN STM32 Nulceo-64 for STM32F401?

In the middle of an experiment i got stuck with an issue for which i hope somebody out here might know the solution. I am using TIMER1 in PWM mode which is supposed be to continuously running in the background. Since triggering ADC using Timer1…
0 answers

STM32cubeide generated code first address erased when perform reset in stm32l152re nucleo

I have migrated my keil code generated from HAL cube to stm32cubeide because of size constraint. The code is working fine when used in debugging. But when run code stand alone using st link utility, it is working fine for the first time but when…
0 answers

Multiple software configurations with continuous integration workflow with STM32CubeIDE/MX, .ioc, and git

Overview: Our workflow is described in this section. IDE: STM32CubeIDE Version Control: git Within git we track: along with other folders for our…
0 answers

Cannot import Plugins to stm32cubeide (Eclipse IDE)

I'm trying to import the plugin Columns for eclipse to the stm32cubeide. I tried severals ways, without luck. First I tried the official way per Help > Install new software. The wizards shows the following error: "Could not find jar" After some…
Felix B.
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Cannot debug my STM32 CubeIDE project anymore - but code works without j-link

I somehow have fallen in the state, where I cannot start in debug mode my project in CubeIDE and j-link. The code compiles, flash is written, but then instead of stopping on the first instruction in my main function in main.c, I get stuck in…
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1 answer

STM32F107 Read Out Protection by Code HAL

i want to enable the normal Read Out Protection, currently I do it in the ST Link Utility but better will be in code. I found some old snippets which are for the old Std Lib, not for HAL: if (FLASH_OB_GetRDP() != SET) { FLASH_OB_Unlock(); …
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what is proper way to change properties/generated code of custom HID in STM32CubeIDE

I`m trying to create custom HID device with STM32F103C8, IDE that i choose is STM32CubeIDE and the tutorial that i was following is at ST youtube official channel. ST offers great tool "Device configuration tool" where i can configure…
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1 answer

STM32: STLink won't connect through SWD any longer

The first flashing went fine, subsequent flashings fail with Error in initializing ST-LINK device. Reason: No device found on target. On an STM32H745 NUCLEO board I have enabled the DEBUG interface and SWO pin by mistake. Is there a way to hard…
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STM32Cube IDE Same code ends up runing or in hardfault... Russian roulete

I ran into a problem where my IDE is trolling me. I have a simple project, where i trace back from mcu via ITM (SWO), and basically what happens is when i lauch STlink debugger, it connects to device flashes program and then IDE ignores all…
Anton Stafeyev
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STM32CubeIDE deletes files

I've got an issue with the CubeIDE from STM (Version 1.1.0). I generated a Cube project, worked with it for 2 months, edited it,... no major problems. But suddenly the IDE deletes files like my main.cpp,.. I just did some adjustments, like adding…
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4 answers

log2 causes a fault in STM32F4 MCU in C

Why does this code cause hard fault and jumps into infinite loop? #include #include void myfunc() { const double val = 1; double log_res = log2(val); // <----- THIS CAUSES A FAULT //double log_res = log2(1); //…
Mohammed Noureldin
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STM32F103 works on Arduino IDE but not on STM32CubeIDE

I just bought a STM32F103 "Blue pill" and a ST-Link V2 clone to program it. I'm having a weird issue, I can program and flash the microcontroller using Arduino IDE, and it works just fine, at least blinking LEDs and stuff, but when I try to flash it…
0 answers

Can I stop STMCubeIDE from opening startup_stm32f722xx.s file on microcontroller reset (debug)?

When I'm debugging STM32CubeIDE opens startup_stm32f722xx.s file when microcontroller resets (when I start debugging or when I reset microcontroller. It is not useful for me right now. Can I disable this feature somehow? I'm using STM32CubeIDE 1.6.1…
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2 answers

Debug .hex file with STM32CubeIDE

I am quiet new to STM32 developement. I made a custom .hex file, which corresponds to my binary file with a CRC at a given address. To achieve this, I followed this instructions. Right now, I am stuck at step 11, where the author tells STM32CubeIDE…
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1 answer

ADC value is so high and can't read it in port serial

Hello I have This code for STM32F01C8T6 by Using CubeMX and Hal lib : uint32_t value; while (1) { HAL_ADC_Start (&hadc1); HAL_ADC_PollForConversion (&hadc1, 1000); value = HAL_ADC_GetValue (&hadc1); HAL_UART_Transmit…