Questions tagged [steganography]

Steganography is the study of hidden information in pictures, text, audio or video. It covers both methods of concealing information and methods of detecting hidden information.

480 questions
3 answers

steganography in matlab

I'm working on steganography in binary image.but I have a problem in implementation in matlab. I want to konw that, How can I hide a message in a binary image? And, How can I do it in matlab with m-file or simulation?
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How can I access and push data into LSB of Mp3 frame?

I want to access mp3 frame and push my data into Least Significant Bit of that frame. My project is about steganography for mp3 file using LSB method using C# language. LSB in this case is bit (bits) that has least impact on the output sound of mp3…
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GUI for Text Steganography C program

How to develop a GUI for my program.I have made a c program to encrypt and decrypt any secret text message. I am hiding the message in the spaces between the words.
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Steganography in image

So far, I have opened the image in a hex editor and looked at the bytes. However, for the life of me I cannot identify the sound. I have spent days over this. I even tried opening the file (as 'Raw Data') in Audacity and playing it. Nothing but…
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Strings aren't being converted to integers properly how do I fix it?

Okay so I'm trying to do some steganography, and I'm trying to convert each character from the inputted message to an integer, which I then use to set values of my pixel. To convert from string to an integer I'm using this line of code:- int value =…
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Image steganography Using C#

I want to add some text such as "Manula", to the image using Stenography and want to save it. And also i want to retrieve it again. I want to made this project using C#. Can anyone send me the C# code for this programm. Thanks..
Manula Thantriwatte
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Steganography (writing text into a png file) doesn't work?

I have a program for writing a text file to a png file, but it doesn't work - the image, when I decode it, returns the incorrect characters and sometimes the image does not show up correctly. Here is my code: public static void readText(String text,…
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java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "010010101101111111"

I have been trying to hide an image in another image(both of same type) by making changes in the pixels.But it gives an error like this: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "010010101101111111" …
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What's wrong with this steganography extract code?

I want to try extracting message from images that have been inserted messages before..but there is an error with the description bellow.. this code extract : % Read Image Stego IS = imread('imagestego.bmp'); % Extract RedChannel RedChannel =…
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Scandroid steganography: "Alter the extension of a new beginning in order to READ what the others can only SEE"

So, for some quick background, one of my favorite musicians, Scandroid, put out a riddle that states "If you alter the extension of a new beginning, you can READ what others can only SEE." When you purchased the song from their label's website, you…
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How to do image stegnography in android

I want to hide a secrete message inside image. I don't have any idea about algorithm used for this.Can any one please help me to give an idea how to implement it.
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Code refactoring, but how?

I am reading a data from .wav file and then converting it into binary format. and then I write those binaries and create a new .wav file. I want that after getting binary format of .wav file I should do little modifications in its LSB's and then…
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compile time error in function which inserting the text into image.(steganography)

I am building a standalone application which hides the text onto the image (Stenography) I am novice and facing error while implementing the fuction of GridBagLayout Here , is the following algo which I am using with the errors (I have mentioned all…
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Coding an enhanced LSB reverser

I'm stumbling upon a steganographied image with a divided IDAT structure of 12 blocks (the last LSB slightly smaller) (.PNG). I'll elaborate a bit on the structure of the issue before I get to the real point of my question since I need to clarify…
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Convert image to binary to apply Image Steganography

I was trying to convert a ".jpg" image to binary and then change its binary value to hide some data. But couldn't find anything. Any ideas anyone?
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