Questions tagged [static-initialization]

Questions regarding initialization code of static members

292 questions
2 answers

Why is the order of destruction of these function-local static objects NOT the inverse of their order of initialization?

I have two function-local static objects, One and Two. One's constructor and destructor both access Two through GetTwo(): #include struct One; struct Two; const One& GetOne(); const Two& GetTwo(); struct Two { const char* value =…
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1 answer

Legitimate uses for static initializer?

I remember a couple years ago I was using static initializers to call class-level setup operations. I remember it having very bizarre behaviors and I just decided to steer clear from them. Maybe it was because I was messing up the top-bottom order…
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2 answers

Indirect recursion, dependent static variables

Is the result of the following indirect recursion defined by the standard or is it undefined behavior? auto abc() -> int ; auto xyz() -> int { static int instance = 3 + abc(); return instance; } auto abc() -> int { static int instance…
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2 answers

Thread-safety of static initializers in C#

Everyone says static initializers are thread-safe, but I'm worried about a particular detail. Let's say I have static class MyStaticClass { public static readonly object myField = MyOtherClass.GetNewObject(); } static class MyOtherClass { …
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2 answers

Default value for struct parameter

Let's say I have the following struct: struct myStruct { int x; int y; int z; int w; }; I want to initialize this struct to a default value when calling the following function. If it helps I'm looking for a simple zero initialization. void…
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4 answers

How to circumvent the size limit of a static initialiser in Java when initialising large amounts of constants

I have a class holding a large a mount of generated constants as such: public class Constants extends SomeBaseClass { // init() is defined in some base class... public static final XXX KEY1 = init(...); public static final XXX KEY2 =…
Lukas Eder
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2 answers

Is the order of file-level static variables always the same within a given translation unit?

I have a program split up into two source files: example.cpp #include class A { public: A(int x) { ::std::cout << "In A(" << x << ")\n"; } }; static A first(1); static A second(2); example__main.cpp int main(int argc,…
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2 answers

C++ is it possible to delay initialization of constant static member?

I am using Qt but this is a generic C++ question. My case is simple, I have a class Constants which has a constant static member which I want it to be initialized after certain function calls are made. Constants.h #ifndef CONSTANTS_H #define…
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2 answers

Can "construct on first use" idiom fail under any circumstances?

I'm building my program (tests actually) using some static library. This library contains one file inside which I have functions like that: string& GetString() { static string strFilename; return strFilename; } void PrintToScreen() { …
Piotr Kukielka
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1 answer

Is a pointer to string literal guaranteed to be initialized before a std::string?

//file1.cpp extern const char* foo; std::string bar = foo; //file2.cpp const char* foo = "foo"; Is bar guaranteed by the standard to be initialized to "foo"? Or could it be initialized before foo gets set and segfault in the constructor i.e. a…
6 answers

Imitate a static constructor in C++

This a question related to the initialization of objects in C++. I have a group of classes (not instances), inheriting from a common base class, and I need them to register info about themselves in a container (specifically a map) when the program…
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6 answers

cannot override static initialization in derived class

i'm trying to provide different static initializations for classes in a hierarchy, but when i tried with this code: #include using namespace std; struct base { static const char* componentName; }; const char* base::componentName =…
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1 answer

Does static initialization (and/or other) code get run when dlopen'ing?

When you dlopen() a shared object, is there a mechanism for having code in that DLL execute without being called explicitly? Specifically, C++ static initialization code for globals/statics which the caller of dlopen() might not know about? I'm…
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3 answers

This Java Program is always printing only 10 but not printing SB.Why?

public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(Hello.a1); } } class Hello { static final int a1=10; static { System.out.println("SB"); } } This code is always printing 10 but…
1 answer

Static field initializer is not called in Windows Phone 8 C# app

I have a static class with a static field that is initialized in place: private static SomeType _instance = new SomeType(); This code is a part of a portable class library that is used on multiple platforms. Everything works fine on desktop…
Vagif Abilov
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