Questions tagged [state]

The contents of memory locations, at any given point in the program's execution, is called the program's state.

The contents of memory locations, at any given point in the program's execution, is called the program's state.

More information is available on Wikipedia.

6971 questions
1 answer

Detect MouseUp in a Delphi Button Component when An Error Occurs

I made a button component in Delphi, and I write a code with error (strtoint('a');) in my button mouseup event. When I click the button, an error message raising and the button state remains pressed. There is the same problem with TSpeedButton too,…
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Android button state not stored/remembered on back button

I have a problem with Android's Fragment states. I have a fragment with 3 seekbars in it. At the bottom of the fragment there is a button, with which you proceed to the next fragment (using a fragmenttransaction). Now, this 'next'-button is disabled…
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6 answers

How to rewind application state?

I'm developing a Java desktop flight simulation. I need to record all the pilot actions as they occur in the cockpit, such as throttle controls, steering, weapon deployment, etc. so that I can view these events at a later time (or stream them…
Mr Marbles
1 answer

how to view all thread stack of a running process on aix?

how to view stack and state of all threads of a running process on AIX machine. the command or tool like pstack on linux should also help.. i tried procstack, but didnt help. it does not show any stack to me. and no error though.. any ideas..? is…
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TransactionScope and rolling back object state

I'm looking for a solution to a design problem. This will take a bit of explaining. I would post code, but that woul make this even longer. I have a custom generic collection I use to hold Business Objects as needed. For easy of reference, call…
RB Davidson
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1 answer

finding out Bluetooth State without a Broadcast Receiver?

I'd like to know if there is any way I can simply check whether a Bluetooth device is currently connected - I don't want to use a broadcast receiver - just check the state. I can't seem find out how this is done. I currently have a listener that…
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3 answers c# Avoid open the same window twice

I'm developing a web application. I have a small problem with sessions when a user open the same window in the same session. For example: Now, the user open the page user and he select a user I store this object in session (Session["user"] = user),…
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2 answers

Two inputs on self loop, deterministic or non-deterministic state machine?

Wikipedia states that a Deterministic State Automation "produces a unique computation (or run) of the automaton for each input string". I always understood this as there being only 1 possible path to compute any unique string. In which case, the…
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1 answer

Multiple JQuery Accordian Menus - Remember unique states with cookies (persist state)

I am new to jquery and need some help here. I am using an accordion menu based on CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery see original version... I have a question that I hope some guru here can answer... My experience comes from ASP and ActionScript so I need…
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1 answer

Need to communicate update events to multiple running instances of the same python script

I need to communicate update events to all running instances of my python script, and i would like to keep the code as simple as possible. I have zero experience with communicating between running processes. Up until now, i have been reading/writing…
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2 answers

Android - ToggleButton setChecked and setSelected not working

What I am trying to do is checking the SharedPreferences if the volume and vibration is on or off. If it is on the ToggleButton should be set to on, else, off. I already tried using setChecked() and setSelected() on ToggleButtons but it didn't…
2 answers

Saving music state

I am having an issue with the music playback of my app. I set up the media player within a Service class which plays music throughout the application fine. However, the issue I'm having is when changing screens from the Options page to the Home page…
Matthew Perrott
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1 answer

Maintaining Persistence When Using Rake Tasks

I'm running some basic continuous integration scripts in the form of rake tasks, using cron to automate their running. I'd like to be able to maintain some form of state between tasks however. I've considered just writing information to a file and…
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1 answer

How to record current css environment?

I'm working on a web project where I'm using jQuery drag and drop functionality, along with resizing elements, etc, and every time I close my browser or hit reload, everything goes back to scratch. I'd like to maintain my state a little bit, so I'm…
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2 answers

processing: button press switch state

So I have a ON-OFF button that draws a circle. The trouble I am encountering is that the ON OFF states are random depending on how long I press the button. I guess this is due to the draw() function which also loops my button function in time with…
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