Questions tagged [staggered-gridview]

An Android staggered grid view which supports multiple columns with rows of varying sizes.

An Android staggered gridView which supports multiple columns with rows of varying sizes.

The StaggeredGridView was developed due to requirements for the Etsy app not met by any existing Android libraries. Namely a stable implementation with the ability to have a different number of columns in landscape & portrait, to sync grid position across orientation changes and support for headers & footers.

The most famous example of a staggered gridview is probably the one from etsy:

168 questions
1 answer

Staggered Gridview ( Etsy ) with Volley Network Image View

I would like to implement Etsy's Staggered Gridview. Problem is, that i don't know how to combine Volley's NetworkImage View with this. I get the Imageurl from a Json file, for that i'm using volley. Here is my MainActivity.class import…
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1 answer

Error inflating class com.origamilabs.library.views.StaggeredGridView

I m trying to use StaggeredGridView on my project with ActionBarSherlock.But i got this error when i try to inflate main_screen.xml to main.xml. View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.main_screen, container, false); I have these log errors when…
2 answers

Crash with Staggered Layout Manager of Recycler View

I load recycler normally and data is shown properly. But I have requirement to recreate my actvity on certain condition. When I recreate my activity, Recycler view is initialized again and is loaded with new set of data. But this time I get a crash.…
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