Questions tagged [spring-boot-actuator]

Spring Boot Actuator is a sub-project of Spring Boot. It adds several production grade services to your application with little effort on your part.

Spring Boot Actuator reference documentation

1227 questions
1 answer

How to apply Grails 3 interceptors to Spring Boot Actuator endpoints

I am attempting to apply a Grails 3.0.12 interceptor with a uri matcher to the management endpoints provided by Spring Boot Actuator. I have the actuator management.context_path property set to /admin. All endpoints mapped in UrlMappings.groovy are…
1 answer

Why are some @Enable* annotations picked up without @Configuration?

I have the following classes in different packages: @EnableWebMvc public class ActuatorConfig { // empty // only needed to get REST so I can hit Actuator endpoints } @Component // REMOVE THIS LINE? @EnableBatchProcessing public class…
1 answer

How to pass Kerberos token from spring-data-mongodb to kerborized mongoDB

I've a kerberozied MongoDB and I can connect to it using native java/scala clients using its kerberos implementation. However I'm not finding relevant information to achieve the same using spring-data-mongodb. I found this link…
0 answers

Springboot how to get location of jars under web-inf/lib folder to configure classpath

I have 1 requirement which uses the "java" command using JAVA_HOME in side springboot project. while calling the java command it requires the jars which are available under WEB-INF/lib folder of springboot war. I want to list all the jars inside a…
1 answer

Spring Boot - Thymeleaf template

I am using Spring Boot 1.2.7 and Thymeleaf. All the html pages are inside the src/main/resource/templates folder and everything works fine when I say return "" inside the controller. Now, I would like to use different folder structure for…
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Spring Actuator access more datasources

I would like to add more than one Datasources to healthindicator. But the Spring autoconfiguration throws NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException. My question, is this possible, to make Spring Actuator connect more than one databases? Thanks!
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How to have spring boot metrics export averages and absolute values to csv

I need to export counters and gauges to csv in order to process them later on. By using gradle I get the jars for codahale metrics 3.1.2: compile('io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-core:${metricsVersion}'…
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spring-boot-actuator startup error with spring MVC application?

I am integrating spring-boot-actuator with spring MVC 4.1.7 application. Here is what I see with the in the pom.xml. org.springframework spring-webmvc
brain storm
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spring-boot-actuator 1.2.5.RELEASE throws error on container start up

A little background: I am trying to use spring-boot-actuator in spring MVC application that we have in production. It is NOT a spring-boot-application. I have put together a simple spring MVC App with spring-boot-actuator. The sample code is…
brain storm
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Does having spring-boot-actuator changes the context root of the spring application?

According to this post, by having the spring-boot-actuator dependency in pom.xml, I could benefits from the actuator endpoints. However, I observed it breaks my existing my spring application (It is not a spring-boot application). I added the…
brain storm
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1 answer

Start-up error on Spring Boot when adding actuator dependency

I'm getting the following stack trace once I attempt to add actuator to a Spring Boot app as per the docs: Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name…
Simeon Leyzerzon
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Pretty print output of Spring Boot Actuator JMX endpoints

I have a Spring Boot console application and I access the actuator endpoints over JMX. The problem is that the returned text is not pretty-printed and it's not JSON. It looks something like this: {context=application, parent=null,…
Bogdan Calmac
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Spring Boot Management Port and Spring Security

I have a spring boot web application with security configurations to forward all unauthorized requests to /login. I set up a spring boot management port different from my application port. When I go to the management port and try to access /health,…
1 answer

How to catch 400 Bad request in java

I have to catch the 400 Bad request and perform operation accordingly. I have one solution and it is working as expected: try { //some rest api code } catch (HttpStatusCodeException e) { if (e.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)…
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1 answer

Spring boot Operations tracker?

Im building an application that the client wants to keep track of everything that happens. For example: if User A adds something to his profile info, or creates a project or assigns another employee to a project, the system must know something like…
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