Questions tagged [splunk-query]

438 questions
2 answers

Splunk query reference field in joined data

Full disclosure, I am very new Splunk so I may explain my question incorrectly. I have two data sources and was given a query to pull data from them individually. I am trying to join this data together so I can create some type of chart, but I am…
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Splunk: How to Compute Incident Duration Records?

I have the following events in Splunk: _time Agent_Hostname alarm status 2020-08-23T03:04:05.000-0700 m50-ups.a_domain upsAlarmOnBypass raised 2020-08-23T03:07:16.000-0700 m50-ups.a_domain …
Yu Shen
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1 answer

Splunk queries: filter by _meta fields

Context I have a bunch of application servers I would like monitor using Splunk. Servers on every environment run the same applications. Looking for a way to tag this information in order to easily disentangle stage servers from prod server in my…
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Splunk query to get field from JSON cell

The splunk query outputs a table where one of the column has these kind of json the part of the query that gives this output is…
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Recording earliest login time for each day

I need to return the earliest login time per day for a single username. However, some returns do not match the login from that date. Query below: index=app_redacted_int_* sourcetype="redacted" SessionState="Active" UserName=ABCDE123 | rex…
George S
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2 answers

How to merge two stats by in Splunk?

I wanted a single graph to show values. One search is index="cumu_open_csv" Assignee="ram" | eval open_field=if(in(Status,"Open","Reopened","Waiting","In Progress"), 1,0) | stats count(eval(open_field=1)) AS Open, count(eval(open_field=0)) AS…
Hari Priya
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0 answers

How to calculate duration between logs in Datadog?

Splunk has transaction command which can produce duration between logs grouped by id: 2020-01-01 12:12 event=START id=1 2020-01-01 12:13 event=STOP id=1 as it is decribed on Query for calculating duration between two different logs in…
Justinas Jakavonis
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How to check if the multi-value field contains the value of the other field in Splunk

I need to set the field value according to the existence of another event field (e.g. a field) in a multivalued field of the same event (e.g. mv_field) Here is an example query, which doesn't work as I expected, because the ext_field always has the…
0 answers

Kubernetes logs spamming Splunk

I'm having issues with Kubernetes containers spamming Splunk with hundreds of gigabytes of logs sometimes. I would like to put together a search to track containers that have a sudden log spike and generate an alert. More specifically: look at the…
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Getting Error as "Regex: syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)." in SPLUNK

I have been extracting fields in Splunk and this looks to be working fine for all headers but for the header l-s-m, I am getting the error as "syntax error in subpattern name (missing terminator)." I have done similar for other headers and all…
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How do I added a token to the query of a dashboard in Splunk?

I recreated the dashboard using the report query and have the search returning all of the table results. I have an input for the reference number as a text box. The token name is: purchCostReferenceToken I want to limit the table results based on…
Gloria Santin
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How to extract fields from JSON string in Splunk

In Splunk after searching I am getting below result- FINISH OnDemandModel - Model: Application:GVAP RequestID:test_manifest_0003 Project:AMPS EMRid:j-XHFRN0A4M3QQ status:success I want to extract fields like Application, RequestID, Project, EMRid…
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Splunk: Matching an error log and obtaining the count of it

I'm new to Splunk. I need to get a count of each of the error messages from our logs. I tried writing the below search query but it is not working as expected. index="my_index" source="my_service.log" logger="*"…
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How to form Splunk query to split a field into separate fields as per the maximum number of partitions?

I have some strings like below returned by my Splunk base search. "CN=aa,OU=bb,DC=cc,DC=dd,DC=ee" "CN=xx,OU=bb,DC=cc,DC=yy,DC=zz" "CN=ff,OU=gg,OU=hh,DC=ii,DC=jj" "CN=kk,DC=ll,DC=mm" Note: CN,OU,DC could be 0 or many. My ultimate goal is to find all…
Smita Patankar
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2 answers

Query for calculating duration between two different logs in Splunk

As part of my requirements, I have to calculate the duration between two different logs using Splunk query. For example: Log 2: 2020-04-22 13:12 ADD request received ID : 123 Log 1 : 2020-04-22 12:12 REMOVE request received ID : 122 The common…