Questions tagged [speechsynthesizer]

hardware or software component that produces human speech

66 questions
0 answers System.Speech.Recognition.SpeechRecognitionEngine to distinguish between user input and System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer

I'm working on a speech app that listens to a user, process the input and perform any actions if required, then provides output to the user. I'm using the System.Speech.Recognition.SpeechRecognitionEngine for listening to the user and the…
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1 answer

synthesizeToFile failed: not bound to TTS engine , when using TextToSpeech in android

I am using Android TextToSpeech API, I want to save the convert text2speech as a file on the SD-card memory, but I got the error: synthesizeToFile failed: not bound to TTS engine My code to use TTS is : public void onActivityResult(int…
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1 answer

Storing a voice in User Defaults - Cocoa

I want to store a voice in the User Defaults. Since we can't store directly a voice, what's the best way for storing it? Using the index in the array [NSSpeechSynthesizer availableVoices] can differ after installing a new voice. And what about…
2 answers

Can I install a custom SAPI voice exclusively with my app that other TTS apps will not have access to?

I have developed a TTS (text to speech) app in C# using SAPI 5.x. I would like to license or develop my own speech profile (or voice file) that will exclusively be available to my application. That is, it will not be installed in the same way…
Alexander Perls
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SpeechSynthesizer says not in a correct format?

SpeechSynthesizer ss = new SpeechSynthesizer(); ss.Speak("Hello."); ...(for text-to-speech) results in error: "Format exception was unhandled by user code" ... "Input string was not in a correct format." It is just a string, yet it says the format…
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1 answer

SpeechSynthesizer in windows phone 8

I am developing a app to convert text to speech using speech Synthesizer in windows phone 8. In that I want to highlight text which has been spoken by speech Synthesizer. In MSDN site it is given that GetCurrentlySpokenPrompt() method is available…
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