Questions tagged [spatial-data-frame]

50 questions
1 answer

vertically integrate a datasheet with a over 1500 columns

I have a data sheet with about 1700 columns and 100 rows of data w/ a unique identifier. It is survey data and every employee of an organization answer the same 9 questions but its compiled into one row of data for every organization. Is there a…
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Unknown CRS in QGIS when projecting to EPSG:25833 in R

I want to project a spatial data frame to EPSG 25833 in R but QGIS does not seem to know it (for reproducibility, I use the code jazzurro created in his/her answer to this question with minor changes) library(rgdal) mydf <- structure(list(longitude…
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Remove rows contains certain value from spatial dataframe - solved

I want to remove the rows that have certain values from the spatial data.frame since the standard R grep() seems not propagate through all slots of an sp class object. bd@data[- grep("xcluded", bd@data$Notes),] It gives me an error: Error: trying…
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1 answer

polygons' ID different from @data ID in a spatialpolygonsdataframe

I loaded a shapefile in R using readOGR and I named as I can see the shape pretty well by using plot( The issue is that polygons' ID (the ID of the plot) is not the same with the @data ID. What I mean is that, when I…
Stathis G.
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0 answers

Converting formal class rasterlayer to spatialgriddataframe

hopefully someone can help me. I've got some slope data in the form of a formal class RasterLayerand by using the command as(slope, 'spatialGridDataFrame'), I've managed to convert it to a large spatialgriddataframe. However when I look at the data…
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2 answers

Calculating area from Large spatialPixelsDataFrame

I have an object called cr1 which is a large SpatialPixelsDataFrame of a lake. Here is a link to the file: I think each pixel has has a 1m x 1m cell size, however i think this attribute…
Itsa Me
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1 answer

Is there a way to write a function in R that writes a dataframe like in this script?

I wrote a script in R which reads a csv file to a dataframe, then manipulates that dataframe to create a new one. The current script is as follows: #read in the csv file for a node node00D = read.csv("00D.csv") #create a new data frame with the…
0 answers

How to define an area at +- 1 along a road?

Considering a geographical line defined by the following spatiallinedataframe library(sp) library(rgeos) ## from the sp vignette: l1 <- cbind(c(1, 2, 3), c(3, 2, 2)) Sl1 <- Line(l1) S1 <- Lines(list(Sl1), ID = "a") Sl <- SpatialLines(list(S1)) ##…
Xavier Prudent
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0 answers

Pandas DataFrame out of range

I am using Pandas DataFrame package of Python to store large set of data. But my DataFrame could hold only 30860 data. I tried DataFrame concatenation to store more data but it did not work. Can anyone suggest me a better technique to store large…
0 answers

How to identify the common coordinates in two different SpatialPixelDataFrames

I have two SpatialPixelDataFrames (a and b) which have few common coordinates/locations. I need to identify these common coordinates and remove them from both the dataframes. Though I have been able to identify and separate common coordinate points…
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0 answers

color-coding data of SpatialPolygonsDataFrame by ranges

I have a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object (polUTM) that contains values at each lat/lon location. I want to color-code on a plot the values per a color scheme. Here is my object and code so far: polUTM is... class : SpatialPolygonsDataFrame…
Benjamin Levy
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Nearest line to points using R

I'm trying to do some GIS work using R. Specifically, I have a spatialpointsdataframe (called 'points') and a spatiallinesdataframe (called 'lines). I want to know the closest line to each point. I do this: # make a new field to hold the line…
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1 answer

Convert a list in a dataframe to a lines

I have a dataframe (test) in R. Inside one of the columns contains coordinates in this list structure: > dput(test$coordinates) list(structure(list(x = c(-1.294832, -1.294883, -1.294262, -1.249478), y = c(54.61024, 54.61008, 54.610016,…
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2 answers

Convert data frame to spatial lines data frame in R with x,y x,y coordintates

I have a data frame in R, one of the columns contains the coordinates for points along a line in the form: x,y x,y x,y x,y So the whole data frame looks like id dist speed coord 1 45 6 1.294832,54.610240 -1.294883,54.610080…
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2 answers

Loop to assign new values to multiple spatial dataframes

I am working in RStudio (V 0.99.467) running R (V3.2.2) on Windows10. I have a collection of vector maps from ArcGIS that I read into R with a loop using rgdal to create objects of class 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame'. There are several data QAQC…
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