Questions tagged [sorting]

Sorting is the process of applying some order to a collection of items.

Sorting is the process of applying some order to a collection of items. There are various for doing this, including , , and .

From the Sorting Algorithms Wikipedia entry:

In a is an algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order. The most-used orders are order and order. Efficient sorting is important for optimizing the use of other algorithms (such as search and merge algorithms) that require sorted lists to work correctly; it is also often useful for data and for producing human-readable . More formally, the output must satisfy two conditions:

  1. The output is in nondecreasing order (each element is no smaller than the previous element according to the desired total order);
  2. The output is a permutation (reordering) of the input.

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67842 questions
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How do you sort a dictionary by value?

I often have to sort a dictionary, consisting of keys & values, by value. For example, I have a hash of words and respective frequencies, that I want to order by frequency. There is a SortedList which is good for a single value (say frequency), that…
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Sorting object property by values

If I have a JavaScript object such as: var list = { "you": 100, "me": 75, "foo": 116, "bar": 15 }; Is there a way to sort the properties based on value? So that I end up with list = { "bar": 15, "me": 75, "you": 100, "foo":…
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Sorting 1 million 8-decimal-digit numbers with 1 MB of RAM

I have a computer with 1 MB of RAM and no other local storage. I must use it to accept 1 million 8-digit decimal numbers over a TCP connection, sort them, and then send the sorted list out over another TCP connection. The list of numbers may…
Favourite Onwuemene
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11 answers

How to sort a list/tuple of lists/tuples by the element at a given index?

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32 answers

Sort JavaScript object by key

I need to sort JavaScript objects by key. Hence the following: { 'b' : 'asdsad', 'c' : 'masdas', 'a' : 'dsfdsfsdf' } Would become: { 'a' : 'dsfdsfsdf', 'b' : 'asdsad', 'c' : 'masdas' }
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20 answers

Sort array of objects by object fields

How can I sort this array of objects by one of its fields, like name or count ? Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [ID] => 1 [name] => Mary Jane [count] => 420 ) [1] => stdClass Object …
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18 answers

Swift how to sort array of custom objects by property value

lets say we have a custom class named imageFile and this class contains two properties. class imageFile { var fileName = String() var fileID = Int() } lots of them stored in Array var images : Array = [] var aImage =…
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12 answers

Why is there no SortedList in Java?

In Java there are the SortedSet and SortedMap interfaces. Both belong to the Java Collections framework and provide a sorted way to access the elements. However, in my understanding there is no SortedList in Java. You can use…
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Sort a list by multiple attributes?

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How to sort an array of associative arrays by value of a given key in PHP?

Given this array: $inventory = array( array("type"=>"fruit", "price"=>3.50), array("type"=>"milk", "price"=>2.90), array("type"=>"pork", "price"=>5.43), ); I would like to sort $inventory's elements by price to get: $inventory = array( …
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List OrderBy Alphabetical Order

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SaaS Developer
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Andrew Coleson
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How to sort a list of strings?

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Fastest sort of fixed length 6 int array

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