Questions tagged [soot]

Soot is an open source Java optimization framework.

Soot is an open source Java optimization framework that provides different intermediate representations for Java bytecode. Besides optimization, Soot can be used for static analyses and bytecode manipulation.

124 questions
1 answer

the soot-based flowdroid with an exception error when test an APK

I am trying to test the broadcast receiver component in an android application based on the taint analysis. However, when i am using the frowdroid to test the related application, it shows: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:…
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Android APK control flow graph with soot

I'm trying to make a control flow graph with the soot API from an Android APK. I have read a lot but i feel a little bit helpless how to start from scratch. I'm using a nighty build of soot (downloaded here:…
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Compare the call graph of two apk files using soot

I am trying to make a program that will Take an apk file as input Convert it into dalvik byte code than later from dalvik bytecode to jimple Will generate the call graph of the program Process the call graph of a Program and will try to match it…
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Call graph of apk using JAVA program

I want to create a JAVA program that takes apk files(present in the computer) as input and than return its call graph as output. I want to do it on windows platform and write the program in JAVA Please suggest some ways to do so. I read about soot,…
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SOOT ForwardFlowanalysis

I am new to soot, and I started to write a class which extends ForwardFlowAnalysis. In my main function, I want to new a ForwardFlowAnalysis obj by using a constructor. But seems like the constructor is not executed for some reason, as a result only…
1 answer

How do I install SOOT?

I am using Ubuntu 14.04 and I want to install SOOT. Can somebody help me how to do that? Is there any plugin for IntelliJIDEA for this? Do I have to download the whole source code for this from git hub?
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Soot analysis for member fields access

i would like to know if soot is able to analysis member field access? For example, if A accessed member fields of B, is soot able to detect this? And determine the name of the class for those members which were accessed in B.
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Why is Soot always saying That the class I want to load is a phantom class, even when it does not exist

This soot class loads a class and prints the number of methods. When I give the correct name of the class I want to load it says that the class is phantom. Also when the class does not exist it gives the same message. I do not know what I am doing…
1 answer

Java SOOT framework: Does SOOT support anonymous Threads?

Has anyone used SOOT framework to work with anonymous Threads? I have tried but soot does not seem to recognize the function definitions inside anonymous Threads.
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2 answers

How to detect that a throw statement occurs inside a catch?

I'm trying to identify cases where throw statements occur inside catch blocks. For instance: catch(MyException e){ throw e; } catch(Exception e){ throw new AnotherType(); } Is it possible to access the explicit begin/end range of each catch…
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1 answer

regCount error when instrumenting apk with soot

I am instrumenting an apk file using Soot. When I add the following statement before running soot.Main (without even creating my body transformer), I get a regCount error. (The same error appears in different methods for different apk files.) …
1 answer

Soot does not identify certain Java constructors because of parameters

I am using Soot in order to be able to use its call graph but unfortunately I am having trouble with constructors. I think this is best explained with an answer so here goes: Consider a class CachingCollector$NoScoreCachingLeafCollector where…
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Call graph generation using Spark (Soot -Eclipse framework) - memory issues

I'm trying to generate Call graph using Spark (in Soot -Eclipse framework) for java code. I started with HelloWorld. Even for this small example it looks like the system memory isn't enough. Soot has run out of the memory allocated to it by the Java…
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Large program analysis with soot+paddle

I am trying to use Soot's paddle framework to do context sensitive "points to" analysis for android apps having 20KLOC-50KLOC of Java code. I have modified soot to have multiple entry points as apps don't have a main method. When I run the analysis…
1 answer

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException coming when executing ./gradlew check for running SOOT

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.( at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.( at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.( at…
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