Questions tagged [sonarqube5.3]

This is the SonarQube 5.3.x specific tag. Use it in addition to the sonarqube tag if your question is specific to SonarQube 5.3.x — not just 5.x.

SonarQube (formerly Sonar) is a quality management platform focusing on continuous analysis of source code quality.


This tag is specific for the 5.3 version of SonarQube, which was released on the 8th January 2016. See the tag for general SonarQube questions.

Notable changes:

  • New Project Space which puts the focus on the Quality Gate and the Leak Period
  • User tokens for authenticated analysis without passwords
  • New web services to facilitate a build breaker strategy
  • Cross-project duplication is back!
85 questions
1 answer

Ignore Issues on Multiple Criteria not working

I'd like to disable the C# rule "Remove this cast and edit the interface to add the missing functionality" (csharpsquid:S3215). Not in general, but for all files in folders "something\Business\Genome\*.cs") ("something" can be one or more…
1 answer

SonarQube 5.3: Configure number of lines of source code displayed in Component Viewer

How to configure the maximum number of lines of source code shown in the Component Viewer in SonarQube? I must be blind but I cannot find it either in SonarQube itself or on Internet. Component Viewer is the heart of SonarQube: it displays the…
Honza Zidek
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1 answer

SonarQube 5.3 Findbugs 3.0.1 0 is not a value stack offset

Analysing an Ant project with SonarQube 5.3 Findbugs 3.0.1 got following stacktrace: [sonar:sonar] The following errors occurred during analysis: [sonar:sonar] Can't get stack offset 0 from [] @ 271 in com.mypackage.MyClass.myMethod :…
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0 answers

Issues (auto) closed and re-open

Dear SonarQube Development team and other experts, I use SonarQube 5.3 and MSBuild Runner. A few weeks ago, I experienced issues when closing the program. These issues persisted even when leaving a file unchanged. Furthermore, these issues may be…
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0 answers

SonarQube 5.3 : There's no changeset on line error message when enabling Cobertura coverage

We face the following issue when running analysis on Sonarqube 5.3 with the following plugins: Java 3.9 Findbugs 3.3 Checkstyle 2.4 PMD 2.5 SQALE 2.7 SVN 1.2 LDAP 1.5.1 JIRA 1.2 Cobertura 1.6.3 The batch on server side fails with the following…
1 answer

Clustering/High availability on SonarQube

I would like to know whether SonarQube will support HA/clustering? How to overcome the fail over situation of SonarQube instance when there is a hardware failure.? For example, I have two SonarQube instances are running on two different machines.…
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2 answers

SonarQube background tasks failing with Multiple entries with same key

I know this is very similar problem as SonarQube background tasks failing with IllegalArgumentException for Java, but in my case I don't know where exactly the problem occurs. This is my log: 2016.02.03 13:24:22 ERROR…
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3 answers

Unable to run SonarQube 5.3 as a service on Windows

I'm unable to run SonarQube 5.3 as a service on Windows Server 2012 or windows 10. It runs fine using StartSonar.bat but when installed and run as a service there is the error "The SonarQube service on Local Computer started then stopped. Some…
1 answer

How to install the scm perforce provider for SonarQube 5.3?

I want to use perforce as SonarQube 5.3 scm provider, but it failed with this error message: ERROR: SCM provider was set to "perforce" but no SCM provider found for this key. Supported SCM providers are svn,git I want to install perforce plugin in…
2 answers

How to configure SonarQube 5.3 to tune what submodule / package is used to determinate coverage?

I'm using SonarQube 5.3 and working a mavenized java project containing 3 submodules. One of this submodule is my webapp for which there are not junit test, I would like to remove it from the coverage % shown on the main sonar page. Also if…
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1 answer

Sonar data migration post Database collation change

Need to know how we can migrate data post change of database collation change. Basically, below is what I am planning. Get a new DB with new collation which is a requirement for Sonar (Latin1_General_CS_AS). Collation on our existing DB is -…
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2 answers

SonarLint Eclipse connecting to SonarQube server gives "No storage for server 'sonar'. Please update."

My company upgraded to SonarQube 5.3. This requires changing from the SonarQube plugin for Eclipse to SonarLint. I regret that upgrade because my project quality profile contains 494 rules and only 12 are from Squid, so we have a massive project to…
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1 answer

Sonar: Cannot process new projects after deletion of an old project

I had a nice smooth SonarQube server v5.3. Everything was running fine. Then today I decided to delete some projects that I didn't want. The deletion went ok, or at least I thought it did. They disappeared from the GUI. I have even checked in the…
Somaiah Kumbera
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0 answers

SonarQube missing dashboards after upgrade from 5.1 to 5.3

My user is complaining about losing their dashboards after upgrade our SonarQube from 5.1 to 5.3. Any idea?
Jirong Hu
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1 answer

SonarQube Gradle Plugin warnings: "Class not found: org.joda.convert"

While running the SonarQube Gradle plugin on our project, during the Java Main Files AST scan, we're getting a number of warnings about joda-convert: [WARN] [org.sonarqube.gradle.SonarQubeTask] Class not found: org.joda.convert.FromString [WARN]…
Ryan M
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